15) Remember my bestie

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Star pov
When I was heading up the stairs towards my room I decided at the last minute to make a quick u-turn and head to the kitchen so a little liquor courage.  I took (more like stole)  Dwayne's daniel or whatever it said from the refrigerator and poured me some in a shot glass and drown in so fast before anyone could walk in.  When that wasn't enough I poured me about three more shots,  return the Daniel back to it right place and made my way into my room.  Once I made it to my room I throw myself on the bed and start relaxing.  It wasn't much to do since my brother handling the problem.  Well,  him and 'the king'and my sister was probably popping out babies with her boy toy or 'her mate'.  Plus my phone was back in the cinema and I wasn't finna walk in there with Carle who might be masturbating or some.  When I felt the toxicated beverage kicked in I start to feel my mind wonder to weird shit.  When I mean weird shit I mean stuff only high people would say or think about.  Like for example,  who does we called a orange 'orange'.  I mean I get that its an orange color.  But why don't we called an apple 'red' instead of apple.  Also why ain't Pluto a planet any more?  Did a giant just decided to kick it away from the other planet and be like 'tell the humans that Pluto doesn't exist anymore'.  Also why does Cinderella have to be one of those girls who let people walk all over them?  Why couldn't see be a sass but nice type of girl?  Excuse my language but fuck kindness. Some people don't deserve it.  Damn,  now I'm blowing my buzz.  Deep breathe Star.  Another thing that I don't get was why does everything that I love or is close to get taking away from me.  I went from losing my dad,  my sister,  my suppose to be soulmate,  my dream guy and last but not least my bestie.  And be off you ask yes I had a best friend.  We was friend ever since I was in elementary school to 6th grade.  We was close,  people use to think we was sisters until they notice we had two different type of eye color.  We did everything together(not in that way).  We use to sneak in to egg the teachers car,   bubble wrap the principle office or prank call the police.  We even use to prank my brother before he left for college.  But everything change when we hit 6th grade.
Me and Regine was now officially in 6th grade.  Which means we got to eat with the high schoolers since our school was small.  We doing good so far it we made a promise in elementary school that we would remain friends until we off to college.  We kept that promise until two weeks into 6th grade I notice that Regine was starting to act different lately.  At first I wasn't paying no attention to cause maybe she needed her space or whatever since her parents recently had got divorced.  But then she start hanging with 9th grade girls who taught her how to dress older,  then she started making excuses as to why we couldn't hang out.  It was always 'my mama and daddy fighting again' or 'i need space you know since my parents divorce' but my favorite part was when she was like 'I can't make it,  I'm doing some very important family stuff' I found out all of those was a lie tho.
I was walking to Regine House cause my ma was gone to her boy toy and my sister was with my grandparents house for the weeknd.  And I wanted to surprise Regine by popping up on her with her favorite candy'sour ring pops' cause she claim her parents was fighting again so I wanted to cheer her up.  When I got there I found her and her 'new friends' in the pool outside wearing bathing suits laughing with no care in the world.  I was hurt that she lied to me and left before she could see me. 
The next day I called her out on it and she told me straight up that she just don't wanna be seen with me cause I was 'poor'.  I really wasn't but it might have seen that way cause my ma refuse to buy me stuff and my dad was gone off for a business trip back then.  So  she assume that I was poor I mean we wasn't rich but we wasn't poor either.  Anyway I was hurt at first but that later turned into anger and before I knew it I was whooping her ass in front of her so called friend.
(End of flashback)
That day I lost my sister,  my homie my damn bestfriend.  I felt like how Kelly Rowland probably felt after Beyonce left the Destiny's Child.  Ever since that day I stop making friends and if I do make friends we won't be close like how I was with Regine.  I guess it true what they say tho.  You do lose your friends in high school.

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