"We're coming. Keep an eye on her."
"Oh, I'm doing more than 'keeping an eye' on her."
"Don't do anything stupid." Natasha said, even though she knew very well how idiotic Pietro's actions could be. Like what he just did—but they didn't know that yet.
"You..." The woman in front of him slurred, obviously intoxicated. But her eyes were wide and sober. Like she knew there were people after her.
Before he could do anything, she jumped across the table, fleeing from him. Pietro was taken by surprise, but his reflexes kicked in. He flew to the main entrance, earning gasps and exclaims from the crowd. The woman immediately took a turn, running to the back entrance.
She slipped away from him like a serpent, disappearing into the dark.
I was flying.
At the rate of speed I was going, it felt like the ground was liquid. My feet controlled me, taking each step with a strong desperation to get away from them.
The Avengers.
I didn't even know where I was going. I went straight out of the bar and into the woods. All I knew was that I wanted a very large gap between me and the so-called heroes.
It wasn't fear. It wasn't panic. I just didn't want to deal with them—especially with the amount of things I already had on my plate. And obviously, it would be stupid to give myself up without a fight. I had a reputation to uphold.
I hated myself because I saw it coming. Somewhere in the back of my head, my brain had been sending out warning signals but obviously I didn't do a very good job at paying attention to them.
"She's getting away! Make sure you keep her in your si-"
I didn't hear the rest of what they were saying, I sped up the moment you heard them. I was smug—even in my panicked state—about how I was getting away from The Avengers easily. But I couldn't let my ego take over my safety. I had to focus.
Meanwhile, Pietro was driving himself crazy. Or maybe she was making him drive himself crazy. She was tiring him—and Pietro was never tired. Especially when he ran. Oh, he was all about running.
But the way she ran was...abnormal. She was accelerating each second. He was defeated and outran.
"Is she enhanced?" He heard Steve say through the earpiece. Pietro decided not to answer. He had to focus.
"No information on that, but there's a high chance." Natasha replied after a minute.
Tony chimed in then, "Are you guys acting out a skit right now? Look at her! Of course she's enhanced!"
Pietro smirked. Tony had said exactly what he thought.
"Pietro, are you still on to her?"
He grunted a reply, "Yep."
But honestly, he wasn't sure. He was chasing a tiny dot in the distance that he was hoping was her.
"This isn't working. We need a new plan." He recognised his sister's voice before she even said the first word. Wanda probably read his thoughts.
"I thought the same. Now everyone..."
After what felt like a century of running, I finally stopped. The cold wind blew against me. An eerie silence took over, and I couldn't help but feel strange. The trees were still - too still.
Even with my heightened senses, I couldn't pick up anything that resembled their presence. It felt safe, but everything in me screamed DANGER!!!
Once again, I should've trusted my guts. Damn it!
They all came in from different directions, forming a circle around me. It was like they were ganging up on me—I snorted.
"Quite unprofessional, don't you think?"
They didn't respond. It was scary, to be honest. The combined silence of the forest and their unwillingness to talk was making me feel...at unease.
"So you're not gonna talk?"
I reached for my gun discreetly, or at least I felt like I was. Apparently, I wasn't as slick as I thought, because they all sprung into action.
"Wanda, now!"
Suddenly, I couldn't feel my limbs. At all. I tried to move, but it felt like I was moving through quicksand. Desperate, I reached for the gun.
They all aimed their weapons at me.
I could see the girl they called Wanda panic, her eyes widening in fear as I successfully—although slow—pulled the trigger.
"You think it was that easy to catch me?"
Now I held the gun with both hands, finding it much easier to control my body. Her powers weren't that strong after all. I swung my fist in her direction in attempt to scare her and she flinched.
I got out of her way seconds later, sizing up who I was up against the moment I did. I recognised the famous Captain America, Black Widow and of course the girl Wanda. And then there was the silver-haired boy... the one I met earlier. The one I outran.
I was breathing rapidly, I could hear my heart beating like it wanted to jump out of my chest. If you told me five days ago that I'd be face to face with a team I was dreading to fight, I would've laughed in your face or given you the middle finger.
A gunshot rang, echoing through the woods and scaring a few birds and squirrels away from their homes.
I was in panic.

Fanfiction[Pietro Maximoff × Reader] You're an assassin on the run. Ever since you got caught while on an undercover mission at a Hydra base, life has been a living hell. With your life at stake, you find yourself at a fork in the road. Burning bodies and avo...