chapter 4

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"you think you can just shrug and get away with it? ugh! i'm too tired for this shit, i need a starbucks," vernie ranted.

"calm down, my dude. you can have my bepis instead," said jayne.

vernie lewoos screamed internally and externally at the mention of bepis.

"are you sure it's not just conk?"

"it's bepis, my dude," jayne said as she handed over the bepis bottle on it's side. "you have to lay down to drink it though. some annoying year 8's poked holes through the plastic on one side and it just spills everywhere otherwise. i got some on ermelia sag earlier and she looked like she wanted to scratch my eyes out with her giant ass fake nails."

"okay," he said as he proceeded to lay down.

jimmy just stood there watching the scene before him. noticing jimmy staring into oblivion, jayne asked him a question.

"so, where did your phone go?"

"ooh conspiracy theories, send it to shane dawson," said vernie nearly choking on bepis.

"i mean, you have a nokia brick, right?"

jimmy nodded.

"i've heard spiders like eating them."

"omg wtf," jimmy said.

"yeah, omg wtf," vernie said while eating sand,
presumably from the long jump pit.

"why are you eating sand?" asked jimmy.

"i'm not, it's just a troom troom prank. y'know, the weird prank/hack channel on youtube that makes pranks and hacks which are too much effort to do? yeah, this is one of them. it's meant to be a 'funny' prank, but people just think i'm insane :)"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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