7. on our way

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Today is the day we leave for Russia.

To say I am nervous is an understatement. We plan on being better than the previous England teams. We plan to take over and dominant and get as close to that cup as possible.

I am currently in my room, making sure I had everything I needed, when I heard a knock on the door.

Knowing it was Marcus, I ignored him, hoping he would go away. Instead, he knocked again and when I didn't reply he just barged in.

"Umm, excuse me?" I exclaimed

"I do what I like. I came to apologize," I stared at Marcus, still trying to figure out why he felt the need to not only barge into my room but to also leave the door wide open.

"Aura, I'm so sorry. I just guess that after seeing you get hurt so much was painful for me to see as I couldn't do much at the time. I just don't want you to be in the vulnerable position again and I know Jesse has a past of catching and releasing girls. Please forgive me"

I looked up at Marcus and smiled, of course he was doing it to be nice and protect me. I made my way over to him from where I was and hugged him.

"I am grateful for what you do, I just need you to stop." Before I continued, I thought of what Marcus just said

Jesse has a past of catching and releasing girls.

I pushed the thought out of my mind, Jesse and I aren't even together.

"We should finish packing." I told Marcus

"My bags are downstairs, but I gotta get to the last training session... Do you mind bringing it with your stuff." I giggled at him

"Of course, I'll meet you at their in an hour or so."

Marcus thanked me, hugged me and the ran out the door making his way downstairs.

"Dork" I laughed

"I heard that"

When I arrived at the training grounds an hour later, all the boys were on the pitch playing dodgeball.

I walked up to Gareth and pointed to the lot of them:

"I thought we were in the football world cup" I joked

Gareth laughed before explaining the plans for the day:

Finish training,
Get luggage into the bus,
Gather for a quick meeting,
Get on the bus,
Travel to the airport,
Get on the plane,
Head to Russia
And win the world cup.

We kept on talking and making sure the boys didn't kill each other with the balls. However, we didn't keep watch close enough as Marcus got hit where the sun don't shine.

"Ooh...ok lads, that's a wrap for today. Let's get ready to leave." Gareth announced as we both made our way towards them

I stood back slightly so the manager could do his job.

I looked amongst the group and properly acknowledged the talent we had: new and older players, a spread from national clubs. Hopefully, I am looking at our dream team right here.

Honestly, I'm not expecting us to win the world cup, but I am hoping to get closer than previous England teams.

"Aura?" I snapped back to reality by the voice of Jesse

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