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Arianagrande: We're gonna be alright @NatalieColeman ✨

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Arianagrande: We're gonna be alright @NatalieColeman ✨

- Liked by Louist91, HarryStyles and 33,678,891 others

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Jamiexo: she's gonna back stab you hun like she did to me

Arianagrande: I think you have it the other way around sweetie 😘 @jamiexo

Natalieupdates: you can't seem to leave this beautiful girl alone @Jamiexo

Irishfoolniall: honestly it's just break up it's not a big deal

LouandNat: louis cheated and got his ex girlfriend pregnant ... how would you feel if you're significant other did that to you ? Put yourself in her shoes @irishfoolniall

Ewnatalie: I agree with you @irishfoolniall

1dclips: at least Natalie doesn't have to worried about changing diapers and shit

Arianagrande: tea 🤪 @1dclips

ThiccAriana: 🤭🤭 ari did not just ..

Arianagrande: I did💁‍♀️ @thiccariana

Gotommogo: So I'm guessing Ariana hates Louis

Ilovethepayne: i would hate him too if he cheated on my best friend plus got his ex gf pregnant ... but don't get me wrong I love louis with all my heart but what he did was fucked up @gotommogo

Arianagrande: preach @ilovethepayne

Ourgrande: I love the way ariana throws shade 😩😂

Arianagrande: nah no shade it's just simple facts 🤷‍♀️ @ourgrande

Tastednialler: ariana dont be problematic

Arianagrande: I can't speak my mind ? It's a free country last time I checked .. @tastednialler

Cringeariana: fuck the haters ariana keep on shining 😘

Hellagrande: Ariana you're doing amazing sweetie 😘😘

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