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The moment Adam led him inside, James stumbled forward. He was obviously still loopy after his surgery, and Adam had just taken him home. The whole drive leading up to the front door was filled with random and occasionally incoherent babbling. James didn't seem in his right mind, but above all else it was extremely entertaining. James plopped himself onto the couch, quietly laughing to himself. As Adam sat next to him, James leaned backward, staring straight at the ceiling. Adam relaxed, awaiting James's next move. He slowly began to speak, "You know, I'm so glad that you're here." Adam blinked, confused, "What?" "I'm really glad you're here." James persisted, he let his head fall on its right side, "I'm always happy when you're here." Adam was quiet for a few seconds, he quickly relaxed his tense muscles with a smirk, "Really?" James nodded, "I always get so happy when you text me, it honestly makes my day." he looked over, making eye contact with Adam. He was definitely tired, but the sincerity that glimmered in his cocoa-colored eyes was unmistakable. Adam let him continue, "Hearing your voice, seeing your face..." As James spoke he suddenly broke into a giggle. Adam smirked, watching as he poured out his heart, as much as he tried to prevent himself from doing so, a blush slowly spread across his face. James turned to fully face Adam, gently placing his arm on Adam's shoulder, "Adam, I don't think you understand how much you mean to me." Passion riddled his tone, "Your eyes, your hair, your everything, it's just..." Adam touched his arm, he'd really done it, James had managed to break him. He chuckled nervously, "Ah, okay then, you're tired. Time for bed." Adam stood up, hauling James upwards. As he led James to his bedroom, he didn't stop talking. Adam had to quickly interrupt him before he was sure to say something that would seal the deal for James to regret the whole night the next morning. "-Okay, here's your bed, now get to sleep." Adam gently set James down, but before he could turn to leave, he was quickly tugged backward. Adam turned around to see James staring at him, his puppy dog-gaze leaving him defenseless. He sighed, "Okay." Adam made his way to the other side of the bed, slipping underneath the covers. This was one of the only times he could remember that James had genuinely pleaded him to occupy the other side of his bed, he certainly didn't mind, but it was rather surprising. Adam attempted to remind himself that he surely didn't mean what he said, he was in no condition to speak truthfully, but it felt easy to believe what he said was at least a little true. As Adam had fully settled, James immediately cuddled up to him. Adam let out another soft sigh before going to sleep.

Adam woke up slowly, drowsily glancing around James's room, quickly recalling the night before. As he glanced downwards, watching James sleep soundly, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd react when he'd realized what he'd said. Would he remember is the question, and if he didn't, should Adam tell him? After what felt like half an hour of dwelling, Adam felt stirring on his chest. James made a few groggy noises before freezing, slowly sitting up. He stared at Adam, bewildered and disconcerted. The situation seemed to fully hit him, as he started to speak, "Why are you..." James furrowed his eyebrows, "Hey, don't get on my case you practically begged me to stay." Adam replied coolly, "I did?" James widened his eyes, his cheeks turning their typical shade of pink. Adam nodded, "Yeah, you said a lot of other things too. James tensed up even more, "What did I say?" he asked skittishly. Adam stayed quiet for a moment, holding back a smile, "A-Adam...?" Concern spread across James's face, it was even a little amusing. Adam withdrew for a little longer, which freaked James out even more, "Maybe you'll figure it out soon." Adam smiled. James didn't seem satisfied with his response, but said nothing.

As Adam stepped out into the living room, he recalled their last conversation well. He turned to James who was scanning the room beside him. Adam helped James sit down on the couch, but as he stepped into the kitchen he heard a peculiar noise coming from back in the living room. When he rushed back, he saw James staring at the couch. His mouth was covered as he blushed madly. Adam snickered, "You remember now?" James slowly covered his face, "Why did I say that..." Adam laughed, "I'm surprised, I thought you wouldn't recall anything." he stepped forward, "I didn't mean it." James insisted, "Awe, you didn't? 'Cause I was about to say I love you too." Adam stepped closer. "What?" James stepped back, staring at him, "Yeah, I'm just so glad that you finally told me. Since, you know, I was just about to doubt that you'd ever actually tell me." Adam watched as James grew even worse as seconds passed, "I could always tell, you aren't that great at hiding it, but I wanted wait for you to actually tell me before I asked." He stepped even closer, but James didn't move, "Ask what?" he queried nervously. "Well if you'd like to officially go out with me, of course. I mean, what else would I ask you? All the other questions are for later." Adam replied as he found himself inching closer to his face, "O-Oh, yeah, that..." James turned away, "So, what do you say? Will you be mine?" He asked, leaning farther over the  couch than he was before to attempt to get closer to him. James hesitated for a few moments, "I didn't know it was that obvious." Adam nodded, "It was." he recognized he was stalling, but let him do it anyway. James was quiet for a minute, before turning to Adam, "Yeah." "Yeah, what?" "I'll go out with you." 

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