Chapter 1 {the news}

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It's Reign again! Hello and welcome to my first chapter! I would love if you could show your support and share comment and vote on this story. So I can bring you more updates each week!

Well that's all.

Welcome to The Beast's Kryptonite.


A knock came to my door as my book was just getting to the part where the girl admits her feeling for the guy. I only smile content, romance novels were a favorite of mine. They kept me happy as I was always left to my own devices. Summer alone really wasn't all that bad. Remembering the knock at the door I walk over to it and open it smiling.

"Do you need something Jermey?"

My step brother was standing outside my door arms crossed a scowl lined his face as he stared into the empty space behind me. My voice grew worried when I saw his expression.

"Are you okay, Jer?"

I pulled him into my small arms and squeeze his waist.

"Emma cheated on me,"

He acted so tough around everyone, but he couldn't act around me. I saw right through his tough guy act.

"Oh you poor boy, come in. Sit on my bed while I grab the proper breakup supplies."

He nods his head silently when I set him down on my comfy grey bed. I rush out of my room and down the steps to the refrigerator. I rip open the fridge to grab the emergency ice cream.

Dove brownie chunk chocolate ice cream, the perfect cure to a broken heart. At least it seemed to work on my friends. I had never actually fallen in love. Or dated. Or kissed a guy. I was completely innocent to it all. It was something I never wanted to think about for myself even though most of the time I spent reading all about it with fictional characters.

Quickly grabbing the carton I rush up the stairs. I take a left and go under the sink to a clear box filled with odd and ends in prep of this kinda moment.

Rushing back to my room I find Jermey staring at the wall. My poor baby brother, I can't fathom why Emma would cheat on him. He could be a little hardheaded at times but was a softie at heart.

He was crying silently now and all I could do was rub his back tenderly singing a soft song about a morning blue bird. His eyes drifted shut and the tears slowed.

"Do you want to talk about it? Or eat ice cream and watch Disney movies all day?"

"Can we do both, Belle?"

"Of course we can Jer. Come sit next me."

I walked over to my pale yellow couch and patted the seat next to me. As he sat down I hand him the carton of ice cream and opened the container to pull out the deluxe tissue box and spoons.

"Alright boy spill."


A couple hours had passed and Saturday was almost over. Jermey and I watched all the classics kid movies , but before he told me what had happened with Emma.

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