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Jamiexo: what's wrong

Jamiexo: why did you commented that ?

Nataliewowzers: you know what you did🤣🤣

Jamiexo: ???

Nataliewowzers: oh so you don't know what you did to me?

Jamiexo: I didn't do nothing

Nataliewowzers: sureeeee

Nataliewowzers: I don't need negative people in my life

*nataliewowzers added NiallHoran to the chat!*

Jamiexo: why did you add him

Nataliewowzers: Niall tell Jamie what she has been doing behind my back

Nataliewowzers: it seems like she doesn't know 🤣😂

Jamiexo: cause I don't know what the hell you are talking about

NiallHoran: you've been trolling her with that account gumdrophoran

NiallHoran: May I also add that you've been selling pictures of her and telling her personal info to that account celebritygossip

NiallHoran: I saw it all

Jamiexo: fuck you Niall

Jamiexo: how can you ruined my friendship with Natalie

Nataliewowzers: What friendship? As far as I know I don't know who the fuck you are sis

Jamiexo: wow

Nataliewowzers: funny how most of the comments you kept tagging Louis on your personal account with your troll account

Nataliewowzers: do you want him or something 🤣

Nataliewowzers: cause you ain't getting him sweetie 😁

Jamiexo: we both know your shitty relationship with him isn't going to last

NiallHoran: you are honestly a disgusting person I have ever met

NiallHoran: and to think I wanted to make you mines

NiallHoran: yeah I thought about it again and it's a no 🤮🤢

*niallhoran kicked jamiexo out of the chat*

NiallHoran: you don't have to deal with her anymore

NiallHoran: you got me and the boys ❤️

Nataliewowzers: thanks Niall ❤️

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