Who am I?

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'these mean what people are thinking'

"these just represent actions"


Shadis: alright maggots I am commander Keith Shadis but you maggots must address me as Instructor Shadis or Insturctor so unless you wanna start running until your lungs burst and drop dead so I better hear you address me properly!

Cadets: sir instructor sir!

Shadis: good now you all are here for one reason you're gonna bleed, sweat hard, and cry hard because you're gonna be trained to your limits that you're gonna regret signing those papers after this, now upon graduation you could join one of the three military regimes so either the survey, garrison, or military police but don't get your hopes up because only ten of you could join the MPs so you better train hard which is what i'm going to do ! Now presents arms and stand for roll call.

You follow orders standing in salute in line of others as Shadis torments those that seem to over confident or really screwing something up he then reached your row and stops in front of you

Shadis: what about you maggot what's your purpose here?

(Y/n): I wish to join the survey corps help improve their methods of strategy and equipment sir.

Shadis: a shadow forms over his eyes" well maggot I be laughing my ass off if it weren't for the thought that the Survey corps sure do need to step their game up so hopefully your words live up to what you say.

He then walks off as you stand confused as to why he didn't yell in the end as if he understood what you meant before he began to start pulling on the face of a kid then making a girl run till noon for eating a potato after that you decide to head to the mess hall grabbing some soup or stew with bread sitting down you take out a journal and start writing in it

???: hey you don't mind if we sit here do you "you look up seeing three people two of them Blonde and brown haired guys accompanied by a girl with black hair" all the tables seem to be full.

(Y/n): by all means sure "you go back to writing in your journal" names (Y/n) by the way.

Eren: Eren, Eren Jeager this is my half sister Mikasa and our friend Armin.

(Y/n): hi.

Eren: so you want to join the survey corps too?

(Y/n): yes my sister is there and I want to help them out by showing them my designs for new equipment and some tactical strategies for expeditions.

Eren: cool anybody willing to join the survey corps is alright in my book.

(Y/n): what's your purpose.

Eren: oh um...I was there...during the events in Shiganshina.

Some others hear Eren

???: wait you were there when the colossal titan broke the wall and armored broke the second.

Eren: so that's what they're calling them.

???: I heard it walked over the wall.

Eren: don't be stupid wasn't that tall all we could see was it's big stupid head.

He takes a bite of bread before he almost chokes on it on the next question

???: did you see any titans?

It's quiet for a while before you break the silence

(Y/n): soooo...let's all go back to our designated tables and enjoy the rest of the day I have a journal to write in and you all should eat and leave Eren to his meal.

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