Chapter 4

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"OK, class. What is 6 8?" Baldi said. The teacher looked over at Playtime. She looked like she had a mixture of sadness, and boredness. A student raised their hand, but Baldi didn't notice. He just kept staring into Playtime's black dull eyes. 

"Mr. Balid?" The student shouted. Baldi jumped a little bit, then turned his head towards the student.

"Ah, sorry, I wasn't paying attention! Do you have the answer?" Baldi said, and the student nodded.


About 15 minutes into class, everyone was working on a work sheet, while Baldi was reading a book, and texting the principal a little bit. It was completely silent in the class. Playtime kept glancing over at Bully, who would sometimes glance at her with a mean look. Playtime knew that if she told on Bully, she would be dead. Bully promised to stay by her side 24/7, so there was no getting out of it. Until...Playtime thought of something. She knows how to do morse code, and maybe somebody knows what she is trying to say. Playtime looked around the classroom, they began to tap her fingers. 

.... . .-.. .-.. --- ..--.. / .... . .-.. .-.. --- ..--.. / -.-. .- -. / .- -. -.-- -... --- -.. -.-- / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . ..--.. 

Nobody did anything, and not even Bully, so that means Bully doesn't understand morse code. Playtime tried again.

 .... . .-.. .--. --..-- / -... ..- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .... .- ... / -... . . -. / .... ..- .-. - .. -. --. / -- . --..-- / .. / -. . . -.. / .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- 

Once again, no answer. So, she tried again.

.... . .-.. .-.. --- ..--.. / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . .-.-.-

That's when Baldi looked up from his book/phone. 

"Playtime? Can you come outside with me?" Baldi asked. Playtime looked over at Bully, and he was glaring at her. Playtime nodded and left the room. The door shut, and Baldi began to talk.

"Playtime, what are you doing? Trying to distract my students?" Playtime knew that Baldi didn't understand it either. Playtime shook her head. "Well, you better stop now, or, I'm going to have to send you to the principal's office." Playtime looked shocked.

"O-OK, Mr. Baldi, sorry to distract you and the students..." Playtime mumbled while looking down at her shoes. She began to walk slowly towards the door, but Baldi stopped her.

"Hold on a second..." he said. "Look, you have been really strange lately, is everything OK?"

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"Are you sure? You can tell me."

"I said... everything is fine, just, leave me alone!" Playtime snapped, she went inside of Baldi's classroom. Baldi just stared at his door. He sighed, walked back in to the classroom. Baldi sat back down in his seat, and saw that Principal of the Thing texted him.



|Baldi? Where are you?|

                                                                                                              |Sorry, I had to deal with Playtime.|

|What!? Baldi, what happened?|

                                                                           |Ugh, I don't know, she keeps distracting my class...|

|Is she OK?|

                                                                   |IDK, I asked her that, and then she just snapped at me.|

|Snapped, she would never do that...|

                                                             |I know, I was shocked, too. I do believe there is a problem.|


                                                                                                 |Ugh...keep your emojis to yourself, boss.|

                                                                   |Don't worry, I'm sure that we can figure it out together!|


                                                                                                      |Yes, or maybe she might tell us soon...|

|I hope so, I don't want to trouble her to much|

                                                                                          |We won't, trust me, it will all be figured out.|

                                                                                      |Ah, I have to go, a kid is asking me a question.|

|OK! Don't push yourself to hard.😊|

                                                                                                                                      |Thank you. Good-Bye.|


Baldi felt a lot better after talking with the principal. He stood up, and walked over to the student.

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