Chapter 17

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Scott's POV

Everything was smoothly.

Early in the mornings, all I had to do was arrive to camp to tell Victor what he was suppose to do as the new leader. Victor made no complaints at all. Only a smirk on his face and a nod was his only response.

" Do you know where Pan received his magic from? " , Victor suddenly asked.

" Not really. My guess is from his shadow. " , I answered.

" And where does his shadow live? " , Victor asked with curiosity.

" Skull Rock. " , I nodded.

" What is Pan's weakness? " , Victor asked.

" What kind of question is that? " , I asked suspiciously.

" A question that you haven't answered, Alpha. " , Victor said.

" How did you know that I was an Alpha? I don't even know you. " , I scoffed.

" I know many things. " , Victor grinned evilly.

" Then you should know Pan's weakness. " , I retorted.

" I don't know Pan that well. He is very secretive and closed if you know what I mean. " , Victor said.

" Yeah, well he is very independent. " , I stated.

" Don't you ever wonder what life would be like without having Pan around? " , Victor asked smirking.

" Probably calming and less kaos. " , I lightly chuckled.

" Well. You are dating his sister, right? " , he asked.

" Yeah. " , I confirmed.

" What if you could take Petra with you back to Beacon Hills? You wouldn't have to visit Neverland and be stuck here. " , He said.

" Yeah. But Petra's home is Neverland, so I respect her wishes to stay here. " , I clarified.

" She won't have a reason to be in Neverland if something bad would have happned to Pan. " , Victor said innocently before shrugging.

I raised my eyebrow at him before narrowing my brown eyes at him suspiciously. My senses became sharp.

" I can do you another favor. " , Victor smirked.

" Like what? " , I asked with curiosity.

" You take Petra with you back to Beacon Hills. I will deal with Pan. " , Victor assured me.

" What about his girlfriend, Rae? " , I asked concerned.

" Eh, just send her back to her brother. " , Victor suggested.

" You knew Rae had a brother? " , I asked surprised.

" Captain Hook. Nice fellow who dislikes Pan very much, but adores his sister. " , Victor chirped.

" I wouldn't mess with Pan if I were you, Victor. One thing is to take away his leadership, but if you wipe Petra and Rae from his life then he will kill you himself. " , I warned him.

" Not if I weaken Pan. " , Victor smirked.

" Was that a threat? " , I asked growling lowly.

" Listen Alpha. I'm not the bad guy. Pan is the villian here. Justice must be served to him because it's the right thing to do. " , Victor said.

" Pan might be a villian, but he is somewhat changing. " , I defended.

" I doubt that. Pan needs to be rid of once and for all. " , Victor said causally.

" No. He doesn't. If you dare threaten Pan or anyone else, I will take care of you myself. " , I threatened.

" Alpha. I'm not one to rush anything. I'm just offering you a favor to take Petra away and forget about Pan. I know you hate him. " , Victor smirked.

" I don't hate, Pan. He doesn't hate me. " , I said.

" Pan does hate you. If you weren't dating Petra then you would be dead by now. " , Victor pointed out.

I stayed quiet knowing that Victor was right.

" Pan isn't fond of you, Scott. I would make the first move before he does. " , Victor advised.

He smirked at me and his blue eyes flashed purple for a few seconds before returning to blue again. He waved at me and walked away.

Something just doesn't feel right.

A/N: Will Scott go against Peter? Will Scott defend his loyalty for Peter? Do you think Victor is up to something?

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