Chapter 2

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Sorry the first chapter was so, not good, I'm hoping they get better with time so enjoy!

Another note I will NOT be using real players for the team, I'll make up the names.

Audrey's POV

After leaving the lifeguard tower in Bondi, I headed straight to the stadium in Sydney. Although I was excited to start playing, especially with my home country, I was really nervous because the first games I was going to be playing with them were the world cup qualifiers. So basically I lied to everyone earlier, Australia hasn't been qualified yet. But odds are, we will be. I pulled into the parking lot with the stadium, there were lot of reporters there. I parked and grabbed my purse, I was immediately bombarded by reporters trying to get a shot of me.

"Audrey Reid how does it feel to be playing with Australia rather than the US for the world cup!"

"Is it true you left the US because you weren't getting enough playing time?"

"Are we going to be seeing you on Bondi Rescue since your father is a star on there?"

I quickly pushed through all the men and flashing cameras, I entered through the stadium doors finally feeling a sense of relief. That was until I was approached by this woman.

"You must be Audrey" she shook my hand "I'm Felicity, the co-coach for the women's national team" she gestured for me to follow her, so I did. She brought me into the team's locker room, it was so different than the one in the US.

"This is your locker, it includes all the equipment you'll need including cleats, jerseys and training clothes" she explained, I glided my hand across the name plate that said 'Reid'.

"Go ahead and get changed, meet the others on the field!" she headed out and I was left alone, I examined the other girls lockers. I sat down as started to take my shoes off when two girls walked in, I looked up as they eyed me the whole time.

"Hey, I'm Audrey, I'm the transfer from the states" I got to shake the girl's hands but they looked at me and laughed, they left the room and sat down letting out a big sigh. "Looks like I'm not welcome as I thought"

I took my street clothes off and put on my training clothes on which consisted of grey shorts, grey socks and a yellow training shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror, I definitely liked the US' uniforms better because I look like a banana in these ones. I tossed my cleats on and grabbed my gloves, then I headed out to the field.

Once I was out there I saw the others already training, as for the keepers they were doing their own separate things. I was approached by Felicity and some other man.

"Audrey this is our goalkeeping coach Andre, he is the man you'll be seeing the most around here" Felicity explained as I watched the others players training, don't get me wrong they were good, but we needed to be better. I've played with and seen how the United States trains and well, they looked way better than us. 

"Audrey it's great to meet you, I've seen the way you play and let me just say it's amazing!" Andre shook my hand, he was definitely excited that I was here. 

"Thank you, it means a lot hearing you say that" I smiled, Felicity headed back over to the field players while Andre took me over to where the other keepers were training, well the other keeper. There was only one other keeper, their last starter got into a car accident and well let's just say the poor thing won't be playing again. 

 "Taylor get over here!" Andre yelled at the other goalkeeper, she was in the middle of doing a diving drill. She bolted off the floor and came jogging towards us.

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