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Hi, I'm Ashley Rose Dean but everybody calls me Ashley Rose. My best friend is Luke Kennard, I know I'm best friends with a Duke basketball player but I have known him since my freshman year of high school.

Here's some things about me I think you should know:

I'm 19

My birthday is December 27

I'm 5'4"

I have blue eyes

I have a brother, his name is Shawn, he is 20.

I am originally from Ithaca, N.Y.

Oh and I moved to Franklin, OH because my parents got divorced and I went to Franklin with Timothy, my dad and Shawn went to Pickering, Ontario, Canada with my mom, Karen.

My boyfriend Luke, and I broke up before our senior year because we both thought it was best if we stayed best friends.

I also play softball!

And that is where my story begins...

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