Kong's POV
I was in the middle of lunch surrounded by my work mates when a random thought suddenly hit me. Is it weird for two grown men to share a bed? I mean as roommates, as friends, we didn't really need to be sleeping next to each other. Actually, for some reason it struck me even more odd that before this moment I hadn't even considered that this is not something everybody does. It's not like we were at all being inappropriate. We wouldn't even accidentally touch each other at night. And it wasn't that we were sharing our sleeping space every night. Just every once in a while, when either of us had too much on our minds and we simply couldn't shut our brains down, it helped having someone next to you to just talk until you were tired enough to fall asleep. It's not that we intended to sleep next to each other on purpose, we would just be talking and eventually get sleepy and too tired to walk back to our rooms....all of 5 ft away.
It had started on the night of my assault. Waking up at the hospital had been scary and confusing, but with the combination of having passed out and not remembering anything and P'Arthit miraculously saving my life, I seemed to be coping with everything quite well. On a side note, P'Arthit's excuse that he was at a club to meet a friend is utter bullshit. Someday I might be brave enough to tell him that. P'Arthit on the other hand was taking it a lot harder. He had fussed over me constantly the entire day. And the amount of water he had drank as a pretense to check on me all night, I bet I could have built a small aquarium. So in my usual manner of acting before thinking, I asked to sleep in his room mainly so that he could finally stop worrying about me and actually get some rest.
But then in the past month since our 'first time' we have shared his bed more than once. There was the time I was nervous about an upcoming project, and he pep talked me through the night. Or when he was having his usual 'depressed over ex' syndrome that has no medication, which required me to distract him till the wee hours. Or take for example last night. He had his annual review today and he was up for a big promotion. So we stayed up and practiced his talking points to his boss. Except instead of sitting around on the couch in the living room, we did it lying on the bed in his room.
Hmmmm....yeah it definitely doesn't seem totally normal. Not that this was in any way a complaint. I happen to like my late night chats with P'Arthit quite a lot. We are really similar in many ways and in the rest we are polar opposites. Both of us tend to overthink every situation until the end of time, the main difference, I think after I have taken an impulsive action and he tends to not take any actions at all. So it was immensely helpful to bounce off my worries from work, or home, or sometimes even my extremely clingy friends to someone who had such a different perspective than mine.
What actually surprised me regarding this discovery of our super odd sleeping habits was how P'Arthit OK with it? He is normally extremely straight laced, doesn't really venture out of his comfort zone too much. Me on the other hand haven't ever found trouble I hadn't immediately become best friends with. Doing things others find odd is in my second nature. Case in point, I have been in love 11 times.
So I shrugged off the thought. I don't really care if it is seemingly not common. We were just hanging out with each other, being perfectly innocent. And if the worry wart, P'Arthit didn't seem to mind why would I ever object to it.
Hence, with a sorted mind, and light heart I was received home with a huge cake and a bottle of champagne.
"P' you got the promotion?"
"That's awesome! I am so proud of you. We need to go celebrate."
"We are! That's what the cake is for."
"C'mon, P'Arthit. We need to go out and party. You can't spend all your Fridays cooped up in the apartment."
"No...no....let's just stay in tonight. Anyway, everyone I want to celebrate with is in this room already."
Under My Roof [Complete]
RomanceThey were roommates. They were friends. Often that is enough. But sometimes one needs more. A lot more. ***Credit to BitterSweet for the characters and the respective owner for the picture***