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Chris POV
I just sat there, laying on the floor. It was 10:35 am and as I lay there I imagined Gordie's face when he saw his brother's Yankee cap.
With that in mind, I stood up slowly, my body aching everywhere. I winced every time a took a small slow step. I got used to the pain and snuck out of my house, heading my way to Gordie's house.
I desperately wanted to run to his house, but I physically couldn't.
I took my time walking to his house, trying not to put myself in anymore pain.
I made it to his house around 11:00 am. I wiped the blood off my lip and knocked on the door.
I waited a few seconds and then the door finally opened.
Gordie POV
It was Saturday, 11:00 am. This was a day I'll never forget. Aria had just gotten to my house and as we barely began to talk there was another knock at the door.
I gasped when I opened the door.
I was shocked.
It was Chris.
He had a busted lip, and eyebrow. His cheekbone had a bruise on it which was turning blue and purple. He looked exhausted and had eye bags forming. His right eye was also swelling. The rest of his body looked worn out and he looked like he was in pain. I noticed a couple other bruises on his arms which were turning a nasty light greenish color.
"Who's there Gordon?" Aria's soft voice asked behind me.
I ignored her and stepped out my my house, closing the door behind me.
"What the fuck happened to you?!" I asked concern taking over my whole voice. I already knew what had happened. Something with his monster of a father.
I rolled my eyes at his terrible lie.
"Ok so you know how you asked me to get your Yankees cap back from my brother?" He said, a smile forming on his face.
I nodded, worry in my eyes.
"Well I did!" He said, his smile even bigger and he took the Yankees cap out from behind his back. He handed it to me but I didn't take it. He looked confused.
I had put the pieces together.
This was all my fault.
He got beat up by his family because of me.
Tears started welling up in my eyes.
I couldn't even speak. All I did was hug him.
"You're so stupid." I whispered to him.
A sharp gasp came from Chris and I remembered he was hurt.
"Oh yeah... sorry." I said, stepping back and wiping my tears.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, not giving a flying fuck about himself.
"You wanna know why I'm crying?! I'm crying because you were stupid and took me seriously and risked your fucking ass for your retarded best friend! And look what happened too you! Just look! I don't even know why you did that! Why did you Chris? Why did you get your ass beat for a stupid cap!" I sobbed.
I saw tears forming in his gorgeous ocean blue eyes.
"I got my ass beat so I could return something that meant so much to you." He said beginning to cry.
"But why?!" I yelled.
"Because...I love you." Chris confessed, looking at me with a tear sliding down his cheek.
That's when I realized he had gone threw hell and back just to make me happy. He had always made me so happy and I could always tell he cared so much about me. Chris always wanted the best for me. I loved him.
"I love you too." I said, and broke down crying.
How could I be so blind? The love of my life and the only person who was still alive that gave a shit about me was right in front of me my whole life.
He always had his arm wrapped around me or always asked me if I was ok when I was sad. He was always so concerned for my well being.
How could I be so god damn blind?

I'm so fucking proud of this k bye thanks for reading ❤️

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