Meeting Jade

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Macy wakes up from her nap. She slowly remembers what happened. She looks over to Jem. He smiled at her, then points to a small light bluish house. Macy recognized it from when she stayed over. "I can't do this."
"I am trying not to cut, don't you remember the last time I was here?"
"I will help you. I will keep all the knives, and razors out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind, right?"
"I guess.."

Macy reluctantly agreed, and opened her door. She stepped onto the grass, and only then did she remember she was barefoot. Her father was in such a hurry to get her out of the house that she really only did have the clothes she was wearing, and her phone. Her nearly dead phone. Jem came around the truck and reached for her hand. She took it, and they went up through the yard, and inside.

His dog, Rocket, ran up to greet Macy. She smiled and pet the large german shepherd. "Ahem." Macy looked up, startled. Jeremy smiled, "Hey sis."
"Hi, now who is this? She looks like a straggler."
"Jade, be nice. This is Macy."

Jade eyed her, and pulled Jem off to the side. They were whispering about things that Macy couldn't hear about. "Does she know?"
"About what?"
"Jem, don't play dumb. Does she know that we are living on our own?"
"No, I told her our parents are out of town."
"Seriously? Jem, why is she even here?"
"Her dad gets drunk and beats her, Jade we need to help her."
Jade stops for a second. "You love her, don't you?"
"How could I not?"
"Are you guys together?"
"Jade, please just let her stay."
"Fine, but she needs to help with the rent, and you need to tell her the truth about our situation."
"Sounds reasonable, okay, I'll do it."
"Okay, get to it."

Jade and Jem came back over to Macy. "Hey Mace, can I talk to you?"
"Okay, let's go to my room."

She followed him into his room. "Okay, Mace, you know how I said my parents were out of town?"
"Yeah.. we don't know when they'll be back."

Macy was quiet. "What happened?"
"We aren't sure. One day they got in a fight and left, and we've kind of been on our own since then."
"Oh, I don't think it's really my place to stay then. Money is probably a struggle, and I don't want to add on to that."
"No it's fine. You are safer here, I think, and Jade agreed as long as you get a job and help with rent and groceries and stuff."
"Okay.. but I still don't think it's going to be a good idea.."
"It's fine."
"If you say so."
"I do."

Macy looked around him to the door that had just opened. Jade was standing there beaming. "What?" Jem looked slightly worried or emberassed. Macy couldn't tell which. "I just came up with the best ship name for you two!" Jade looked like she was about to explode with joy. Macy stepped in, since it looked like Jem was at a loss for words. "That sounds cute, what is it?" Jem gave her a look that said don't encourage her. "Jacy!" Macy almost started laughing, but she liked it. She looked at Jem, and he looked like he didn't mind it.

Macy smiled, "That actually sounds pretty cute." She looked at Jem, and he said, "Why not?" She grinned, then looked at Jade, and Jade nodded approvingly. "So, wait, if it's only you two, does that mean Jade basically takes the place of your guys' parents?" Jade shook her head. "I mean, kind of, but I wouldn't leave." Macy suddenly realized what her words had implied. "Oh no, sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Jade just laughed a little. "It's fine. Since you are staying here I can show you the room you will be sleeping in."

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