[Warning: Mature content]
Hermione's house wasn't very big, it had a rather small cottage-like appearance from outside but it was pretty and cozy looking. She opened the latch of the gate and they entered the small lawn that needed mowing. They walked up the concrete pathway to the porch, where she fumbled with the doorkeys. Snape's hand clasped over hers as he gently guided her to turn the key inside the lock and open the door. They stepped inside and hung their coats on the rack. Hermione had been impatient to get inside and as soon as they had privacy, she yanked him close and attacked his mouth. He smirked into her kiss but pulled away.
"I think you should take it easy..."She knew he was right; everything that was happening was almost dizzying. She wanted to take the time and enjoy it.
"I'm sorry...I'm just too impassioned.""I know." He nodded, understanding, "We both are. But first, we need to get some food into you."
He found his way to the kitchen and meandered about making himself acquainted with the placement of things. "I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd have company...I didn't get time to straighten things up." Hermione apologised, indicating the state of her home.
"Oh, that's quite all right." He waved his wand and everything was magicked into order. "I'm more concerned whether you still remember you are a witch."
Hermione snorted a laugh; she couldn't even remember where her wand was, but she let him show off a little."Do you have anything in here other than eggs?" he asked, holding the fridge door open and finding nothing to cook for her.
"I don't really feel like eating anything anway." She replied, still working on believing it was him moving around in her small kitchen, adjacent to the living room.
"Tea it is then." he smiled, thinking it was fitting after all. He served the tea and some munchies and they sat on the couch talking. She had a million questions for him it would seem.
"How did you find me?" she began, apparently only interested in her man and not in the beverage. He took a sip of his tea and took some time before answering. "I wasn't aware that you had cut off all relations with everyone you knew. I thought you...you had moved on. But when I came to realise my feelings for you, I knew I had to find you. I did not wish to impose, but I couldn't wait to tell you. Unfortunately I had no means to know about your whereabouts. Till Draco informed me about someone who happened to see you in this town. You remember Mundungus Fletcher, don't you? Turns out, one wouldn't even need Veritaserum to make him talk- one threatening glare and the guy started talking like a parrot. But he was speaking gibberish so I used legilimency on him."
Hermione picked up her cup and sipped, wondering how Draco Malfoy came to be of help. She was momentarily distracted by the tea; the flavour was just as she had remembered- aromatic and exquisite- one she couldn't hope to replicate. She realised how selfish she had been; it had been her decision to leave him and she wondered how it might have affected him.
"I...I never asked you. How have you been?"She observed his face and found him wearing a sad smile. He said, "I'm okay, now that I've found you again." His reply didn't mask the agony he must have felt for all these months.
She looked down at her hands. "I'm so sorry...I did the one thing that you were afraid I would do. I made your worst fears come true..."
"No, don't be sorry." He took her face in his hand and wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye. "I can't say that it didn't kill me to be away from you, but it is quite possible that it was the best thing you could have done. Otherwise I may not have come to realise the entirety of my affections for you."
She hugged him nonetheless, still conveying how sorry she was to have caused him pain. She rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats and breathing in his musky cologne. He spoke again. "Though, promise me something, Hermione. Never leave me again. I don't think I'll be able to bear it...Not again..."

As Long As You Need Me
FanfictionSeverus Snape finds himself alive after the war, saved by none other than the insufferable know-it-all. But did he even want to be saved? Hermione on the other hand finds herself unconsciously, albeit dangerously drawn to the broken man. She vows to...