Red Carpet Couple

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*Y/n's POV*

Staring in the mirror, I finished up putting on my makeup. I hadn't gone too over the top, just a little more than I usually wore.

"Hey, babe, are you almost ready?" Shawn was on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Yeah, just one second," I told him. I wanted everything to be perfect with my outfit and makeup because it was kind of a big night. Shawn and I were going to be going to an award show which he had a few nominations for, but this time I was going to be joining him on the red carpet before it started. And I was sure that there would be plenty of people wanting to take pictures of us and do interviews since we were a couple.

After quickly cleaning up and putting things away, I opened the door, stepping out into the hotel room. Shawn was sitting on the bed putting his shoes on. He looked great in his dark blue suit with a white dress shirt under it. His hair was styled how he usually did it, but it looked perfect.

"I'm ready," I said and Shawn looked up at me. His jaw practically dropped.

"Oh my gosh, Y/n," he stood up and stepped closer to me, "Baby you look stunning. Your dress is beautiful." He looked down at what I was wearing. The dress was in my favorite color and it was pretty long, falling slowly down to almost my ankles.

"Thank you, Shawn," I smiled, "Your not so bad yourself, you know."

"Thank you, but you are the one who is absolutely gorgeous," Shawn grinned, "I can't even compete with you."

"Okay, whatever you say," I chuckled and kneeled down to put on my heels. When I finished, I stood back up and noticed a piece of Shawn's hair had fallen onto his forehead. It was cute, but I'm sure he would want to fix it.

"Come here," I said and reached up, running my hand through his hair gently. "There you go."

"Are we ready to go now?" he asked.

"Almost," I leaned in and kissed his lips. His eyes closed and he kissed back. I pulled away after a couple seconds. "Now we're ready."

Outside the hotel, there was a car waiting for us. Shawn opened the car door and we both got in the back seats. The driver was no one I knew, just someone from Shawn's team or from the show. Almost right after we finished putting on our seatbelts, the car started moving.

As we drove by building after building, it gave me a lot of time to think. And that wasn't completely a good thing. I was a bit nervous about going out there around a bunch of people with cameras or asking questions. Every time I imagined it, it got pretty overwhelming for me. I wasn't used to being in the spotlight that much.

At least I had Shawn to be there with me. He was used to those types of things. I mean, he did them all the time. I was sure that he would help me and be there for me if anything happened. Knowing that was really reassuring.

Around twenty minutes later, the car slowly came to a stop. "This is it," the driver told us.

"Thank you," Shawn told him, "Y/n, you okay?"

I looked through the window at the crowd of people that was just outside the car and then looked back at Shawn nervously.

"Hey, I promise you'll have a great time. Everything will be fine," he assured me with a small smile.

"Okay," I nodded, "Let's go."

I opened the door and climbed out of the car before waiting there for Shawn to do the same. Once the door was closed again and the car left, Shawn put his arm around my waist. The crowd was mostly fans or paparazzi that didn't work for big companies and they were kept back by a few barricades that had been set up. A few fans shouted Shawn's name and some others were holding up signs. How excited everyone was made me smile and I was a lot more calm.

I walked side by side with Shawn down the middle of the crowd and into the area where all of the famous people were. "What do we do now?" I asked Shawn.

"Just walk through here and let people take pictures," he explained, "And also somebody will probably come over and interview us soon." It was surprising and kind of ironic at how right he was.

"Shawn, hi!" a woman with a microphone in her hand came over with a camera person behind her. She looked like she was maybe twenty-five and she seemed really happy to be there.

"Hey," Shawn greeted.

"You two look amazing together, I just thought I'd tell you that," she complimented, "You guys are such a cute couple."

"Thank you," Shawn smiled and pulled me a little closer. I nodded.

She continued, "Both of you are so good looking, but what I'm wondering is who takes longer to get ready?"

Shawn looked to me. "Okay, I have to admit, probably me," I answered.

"Yep," Shawn agreed, "For sure."

"Oh shush, I don't always take the longest. You take forever sometimes," I defended, laughing lightly, "And I have more stuff to do anyways."

"So if you guys are ever late to something, who's the reason?"

I pointed to Shawn with a smirk on my face. "Yeah, that's me," Shawn laughed.

"You guys are so cute," she gushed, "Again, both of you look great and I know this is such a hard question, but who do you think looks better?"

"Oh, Y/n for sure," Shawn replied.

"What?" I looked up at him,"No way, you totally look better. I'm not even a celebrity."

He shook his head, "Doesn't matter. Your the best looking person here. And there's no way I look better. I'm not even on the same world as you."

"Thank you, Shawn," I smiled and kissed his cheek. He was being incredibly sweet and I appreciated it so much.

The girl interviewing us laughed at how we couldn't decide. "Okay, well don't tell anyone else, but you guys are definitely my favorite couple here," she said, "Have a great time tonight." She waved goodbye and walked away.

Shawn smiled at me and brought me into a hug, "I told you this would be fun."


This was totally not based off of an interview with Shawn and Hailey Baldwin.... it didn't completely give me the idea or anything...(note sarcasm) Yeah it was pretty much completely based off of it lol

I hope this was good and I'm so happy bc we are so close to 200k reads on this book! :))))

I feel like giving you a pic of shawn so here you go, enjoy

I feel like giving you a pic of shawn so here you go, enjoy

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