Cyn's dad why on earth was I the last to know that Cynthia was pregnant? Did you guys plan the pregnancy? Is my child ok she must be devastated? Erica say something.....waiting for a response
Erica ummm see gco
Cyn's dad and then just when I begun to feel this happiness of being a pa pa I was told she lost it is that true? Damn I was gonna be a grandpa do you know how happy that would've made me Erica because I have no doubt Cynthia would've allowed me to be in their life. I want that for my other grandchildren as well you know
Erica yes sir but I can explain.....taking a deep breath
Cyn's dad ok I'm listening... looking with a stern look on his face
Erica Cynthia was trying to surprise when she got pregnant. And against my wishes because her pregnancy is considered high risk she became pregnant but her body couldn't handle it and the baby didn't make it.....tearing up a little
Cyn's dad what do you mean high risk did the doctors say that explain please....getting worried
Erica well she went to the doctor and they said she had a rare condition where her uterus shrinks over time. I wasn't aware of that at first but when I found out I told cyn let's wait to have a second opinion. Well she did not want to wait and put her life in danger and well you know the outcome.....looking down tearing up
Cyn's dad wow I'm sorry Erica that's a hard pillow to swallow. I know all too well before Cyn her mom had a couple of miscarriages. Sounds like that's the same disease and it also sounds like she became just like her mother hard headed and stubborn. She should talk to her mother there are options out there for her hence as to why me and her mother have five beautiful children. It took a toll on us but it was worth it
Erica so she doesn't know that maybe her condition was passed down to her from her mom
Cyn's dad maybe I will have to ask her the next time we speak....blushing a little
Erica ummmmm noticing him smiling...did you say you spoke with Cyn's mom I thought you guys haven't spoken in years
Cyn's dad yeaaaaaaa lol after I talked to you that day you asked for my baby girl's hand in marriage. I thought about what you said and it really hit home with me and I just went by one day. I mustard up enough courage to apologize to her for the infidelity the lies the leaving when junior died. I wanted her to know that I handled everything wrong and it put the burden on her and for that I will forever be grateful to her because our children are wonderful and well taught. They are not bums they are doing things with their lives I couldn't be more proud
Erica shocked wow I'm a little shocked
Cyn's dad which brings me to you and you marrying my daughter
Erica wow I didn't expect to hear that you and ma are speaking again but as far as marrying your daughter Pops you have to believe me when I tell you that Cynthia is my whole heart. We've tried being without each other and it doesn't work. Yes we fall on hard times when we are together but the difference is that we fight for each other. I hope you can understand that sir.
Cyn's dad I do Erica just know my concern is out of love for my baby girl. When all of my other kids gave up on me and for good reason Cynthia gave me a reason to live again. She is my life too and I will protect her at any cost....staring Erica right in her eyes.
Erica I understand
Cyn's dad coming closer to Erica getting all in her personal space....understand this if I ever hear that you have hurt my baby girl again in any way or put your hands on her or better yet not making her happy each and every damn second of the day Erica ...stepping closer and whispering in her will see a whole different side of me and trust and believe you will not like it.....backing up and smiling at Erica....are we clear
It Will Always Be #HER
Non-Fictionrecap You know the story girl meets girl. Girl is a perfect woman. Everyone fell in love with the feisty Spanish chick and so did I. Her accent, her curves, her maturity, her beauty, I loved it all. I was possessive of her and did not like anyone ar...