Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Jay's POV:

I wake up, hoping today was the day Jason finally was going to tell me what I wanted to know. I get out of bed, picking my outfit for the day and taking a shower. I get out, do my hair, race to eat and get to school.

I get to school and see Jason in front of the building.
"Hey." I say, running to him.
"Hi princess." He saids,smiling.
"So, why are you grounded?" I asked, hardening my face.

"Maddie kissed me. I pushed her off. I was pissed for her kissing me and took off." He said sincerely. That made my blood boil. I heard an annoying giggle and saw Maddie with her "friends."

"MADDIE!" I screamed, pissed. They stopped immediately, trying not to look scared of their minds.

"Bieber." She said, uninterested.


"I would never do such a thing." She said, putting her hand over her heart, faking shock.

"HOW DUMB DO YOU THINK I AM?!" I screamed. Then a punch started to come at my face. I dodged it, putting Maddie in a hold. She got out of it, successfully landing the punch, giving me a black eye. Jason ran right over.

"Baby. Don't. She's not worth it." He saids, trying to get me to calm down. He fails and I go and attack her with full force. We are both on the ground, tackling each other when two students that I've never seen before pull us apart. When we both calm down, I see the principal standing there with an angry look on his face. He sees my black eye, looking appalled.

"My office. Now." He saids, his voice booming with authority. Maddie goes with him with a smirk forming on her lips. She knows she's his favorite. My parents are going to murder me.

A/N: Uh no. What do you think will happen? Hope you liked the chapter! :)

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