Going West

499 18 16

Y/n's POV

Early the next morning, I got up to pack for the quest. I gathered all of the necessities: drachmae, nectar and ambrosia, cash, an extra set of clothes. After slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I left the cabin, but I didn't head for Half Blood Hill. Instead, I headed towards the stables. Before Grover and I were sent to Westover Hall, I had rescued a Pegasus just outside the borders of camp. A monster had damaged one of his wings, so he couldn't fly away. I brought the Pegasus back to camp and helped heal him, so now he was loyal to me.

"Morning, Skipper," I greet and rub his nose. Skipper was a dark brown horse with a snow white stripe down his nose. He was agile and graceful and speedy all at the same time. He was beautiful. And he was all mine. "I'm coming to say goodbye because I have to get going on a quest."

Skipper neighed. "Another one? You're gonna leave me again?"

"I know. I'm sorry," I apologize. "But I brought you something."

"Sugar cubes!" Skipper cheered and leaned forward, snagging the sugary treats from my palm. "You are the best! Thank you!"

"Don't worry about being alone. I'm gonna have Silena watch you while I'm gone," I tell him.

"Ah yes. The pretty girl. She always smells nice," Skipper commented.

I laughed and rubbed his nose. "So you'll be in good hands. I have to meet up with the others now, but as soon as I get back, you and I can go on a joyride over the lake. I'll see you in a few days."

Zoey narrowed her eyes at me as I met up with everyone on the hill. "You didn't bring thy bow."

"I didn't think I'd need it," I claim.

"But one of the reasons I picked you was because-" Zoey cut herself off. "Whatever. If everyone's ready, we can get going."

We all piled into the camp's white van, with Zoe taking the seat behind the wheel. It was then that I realized Phoebe, the third hunter, was not with us. When I asked Bianca, she told me that Phoebe had been poisoned with centaur's blood. Apparently, the Stoll brothers had put it all over the inside of that shirt they wanted to give her. Since she couldn't go, I thought Zoe might have picked another Hunter to go, but she didn't. And I did not like that at all. The prophecy said there needed to be six of us, and right now there were only five. I kept the thought to myself though as Zoe began to drive. I don't know who taught her, but she was weaving in and out of lanes like a maniac. Before I knew it, we had stopped in Maryland to put some more gas in the van and to get some snacks. I was the first person out of the car, and the cool air felt nice against my face.

"Okay, I vote that Zoe doesn't drive anymore," I put forth. "I feel like I'm getting motion sick, and I don't usually get motion sick."

"I'll drive," Thalia offered.

"On second thought, maybe Zoe should keep driving," I propose.

"Guys, my tracking spell wants us to head towards D.C.," Grover announced.

Zoe frowned. "I don't know. The prophecy said we must go west."

"I think Grover is right," Bianca agreed. "Nico and I, we actually lived in D.C. for a bit. It's weird though. I almost forgot about that."

"All right, well, we should get going. Back into the van," Zoe instructed.

"Zoe, give us a minute. Please," I plead. "If I get back into that van I'm gonna puke."

"You have exactly one minute. I'll be counting," Zoe spoke.

Just before I climbed in the van, my eyes caught sight of a black spot across the street. It almost looked like a wing. But within a second, it was gone. I shook my head and hopped into the van, and Zoe stepped on the gas. An hour later, we arrived in Washington D.C. Zoe parked the van on a street with the national mall in walking distance, and Grover led us over to a building amongst the many important monuments. The National Air and Space Museum. As I was walking up the ramp to the top floor, I thought I heard something behind me, so I turned around, only to be ran into and knocked to the floor.

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