On the Destiny...
"Phillip's bones, Cap'n!" Wolfie exclaimed, his eyes bulging out of their sockets as he stared at her swollen belly. "Yer pregnant?!"
"Yes, yes." She scurried up to the helm. "We'll discuss that later. Right now," She kicked at a loose panel, revealing a lever tucked amongst a bunch of strange-looking mechanisms in the floor. "We have to get to Shipwreck Cove."
She turned the wheel roughly ninety degrees, pointing the bow of her ship in the direction of her destination and locked it in place using a small switch on its base. Then, she bent over to pull the lever only to discover her stomach prevented her from doing so. "Wolfie," She sighed. "Be a dear and pull the lever. We haven't a moment to spare."
[] [] []
Meanwhile, on the Flying Dutchman...
"What is the meaning of this?" Mercer hissed, glaring at Davy Jones. "Call your men off! If they won't fire on that ship, my men will!"
Jones merely smirked.
At that moment, the Destiny lurched forward disappeared with a flash of blue light and a thunderous bang.
Furious, Mercer spun around to face Jones once more. "This will not be tolerated. I'll report to Lord Beckett--"
"Report to him. It makes no difference to me-uh." Jones snarled, looking straight ahead. "Look alive, Mercer. There's your ship."
Sure enough, Sao Feng's ship sat on the horizon.
[] [] []
Moments later, aboard the Destiny...
"Bugger me." Sera grumbled, sweeping her dark hair away from her face as she loosened the helm. "I had forgot what that felt like."
"That's why we never use it." Wolfie remarked. "Now, would ye be so kind as to--"
"Boy, Miss Drake, am I glad t' see you!" Mange exclaimed gleefully as he and the others gathered around. "Wolfie's 'bout run us crazy!"
"Yeah!" Rook, who was now free of his splints, agreed. "He's nearly starved us to death! We ain't restocked our supplies since you've been gone!"
Sera raised her eyebrows. "I see you've come a long ways. Wolfie," She cast a questioning look at her first mate. "Care to explain?"
"With pleasure." He replied, shooting a menacing glare at the others. "We have plenty o' supplies, Cap'n. These wastrels are just spoilt an' expect to have a seven course meal e'ry evenin'. I didn't make port an' replenish our stores 'cause I wanted to be available if ye needed help an' it was a good thing too. I imagine ye wouldn't be happy if we was gallavantin' in Tortuga while ye was stuck on the tradin' comp'ny's new flagship." He stole a quick glance at his fellow crewmen. "We did, however, plunder a few ships along the way an' got some supplies that way."
Sera nodded and squinted at a dark, menacing shape in the distance. "As long as I have a ship to return to, what happened is of no interest to me."
Wolfie smiled triumphantly at his fellow crewmen, who shook their heads and rolled their eyes.
"Now," She gripped the helm tighter. "We're approaching the Devil's Throat. I need--"
"The Devil's Throat?!" One-Eyed Sam exclaimed. "Bloody 'ell! Why are we goin' through that blasted tunnel? It's a death sentence fer certain!"
"It's the only way to make it to Shipwreck Cove, Sam, and we have to be there for the meeting of the Brethren." Sera explained, trying her best not to be annoyed. Sam snorted and spat on the ground. "Curse the Brethren! The first Court made a mess o' things when they bound Calypso into the form of a woman. They--"

Honor Among Thieves || Book Two
Fanfictionºº Pirates of the Caribbean ºº Several years have passed since Jack and Sera's last adventure and much has happened since then, much that Sera would like to forget. However, when Jack comes calling on her in Tortuga, she has no choice but to join hi...