Chapter 1

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The village is quiet. After all, it is late at night, and the new week is about to start. Everyone needs a good night sleep for their hard, and orderly, work tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, all the way up until the weekend. The year is 2086, and our leaders have built a utopia. How did they do this? Well, you'll see soon enough. You'll hear more about it later, when our king makes his weekly speech.

The time is 7:00 a.m, and everyone is still fast asleep. Unlike the previous centuries, our leaders take a good, long night sleep into great importance. Sleep is fundamental for a working brain and good decision making, and they have fortunately noticed this. I can't see how anyone in the past could get only 6 hours of sleep and still claim that they are using their full capability of brainpower; it's absurd!

The recommended wake-up time for our village is 8:00 a.m,; you can get up earlier if you wish, although it's usually frowned upon. I wake up at 8:00, since there's plenty of time between breakfast, (at 8:45 a.m.), and now. I get up, take a shower, get changed, and lay back in my bed to look at my phone.
"Hey Bobby... what time is it?" a groggy voice comes from the bed across the room from mine.

"8:15, and I told you Dave not to call me that; my name is Robby, alright?"

"Heh, classic Bobby." He stretches and gets out of bed, strolling nonchalantly into the bathroom. I roll my eyes, but grin. Despite my cabin roommate being annoying, David Valarie is my best friend in the whole world, and quite funny at times. Although we don't work in the same industry, we still have a lot of the same interests and spend a lot of time together during our free time.

Our cabin is small and roomy, like the rest of the cabins in our village. There are two single beds, about four feet across from each other. The beds are comfy, plain-colored, kinda like the walls, ceiling, and carpeted floor. However, there is a thin green stripe going across the walls encompassing the room. The beds are in the corners of the room, located next to some drawers for us to use. In the other corners of the room, there is the door to go outside, and a door to go to the small bathroom, occupying a toilet, shower, sink, and other bathroom appliances and accessories.

When Dave and I are ready, we head out of Cabin #8 into the warm morning air. It was a good day today. The sun was shining brightly, and the air was hot, but not too hot. Usually our weather is actually pretty nice; according to the history books, this kingdom was founded around the area of the former Los Angeles, so that place must have been a very nice place to live.

The cafeteria, where breakfast is being held, is about a 5 minute walk from where our cabin is located. There is a cafeteria in each of the 6 villages in our kingdom, and our cafeteria is located near the center of our village so it's not too far of a walk for the farther residents.

"I wonder what Breakfast A for this week will be," Dave ponders.

"I predict it will be pancakes and bacon. Or at least, I hope so. Pancakes and bacon are really good, and two together are a nice combination," I reply.

"Well, I predict it will be steak and eggs. God I hope it's steak and eggs. That dish is so good!" He hold ups an "Ok Gesture" and licks his lips.

Now it's my turn to give a chuckle. "I agree, but it don't think they will be giving us that luxury this early in the year, at least not yet. I'm sticking with my claim of pancakes and bacon!"

"You're on!" We both laugh. Having a close best friend is awesome! I hope everyone has a close friend like that; one that has you as their closest friend, and vice versa.

"But anyways," I continue. "I wonder what's in store for us this week. I mean, last year was great, and last week was a great start to the year. I bet this year will be even better."

"Me too bro." Then Dave puts his arm around my shoulders, I do the same for him, and we walk optimistically towards the cafeteria.

Boy, did we have a lot in store for us.

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