Day with friends

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The next day you were standing in front of amusement park waiting for your friends to come when your sight went black.

"Arvaa kuka?! (Guess who?!)"

"Öö... olisko mahdollisesti (F/N)? (Umm... could it be by any chance (F/N)?)" You asked and the cover left from your eyes.

"Ding ding! Oikein! (Ding ding! Correct!)" You turn around and she give you a big bear hug. You can see your other friends there too.

"Ihana nähä suokin! Oot niin kaukana ettei tiedä milloin kannattaa soittaa. (Lovely to see you too! You are so far away that we don't know when we should call.)" Your other friend (2/F/N) says and also hugs you. Your third friend also hugs you.

"No mitä me odotetaan? Mennään sisään! (Well what are we waiting for? Let's go in!)" (3/F/N) says and you all go in the park and start to decide what ride to ride first.

"Joku vesi laite kun on niin kuuma. (Some water ride, since it's so hot.)" (F/N) suggests.

"Muuten hyvä, mutta Noya sanoi että mä en saa mennä yhteenkään vesi laitteeseen kun se ei ole näkemässä. (Otherwise good, but Noya told me I have no permission to go any water ride when he isn't seeing.)" You said and laughed nervously.

"Kuka? Ja miks? (Who? And why?)" (3/F/N) ask. You looked at them and their faces told you that you better speak yourself clean.

"Nishinoya, mun poikaystävä. (Nishinoya, my boyfriend.)" You showed them a bright smile.

"Argh! Mun piti olla eka! (Y/N) kuinka sä kehtaat?! (Argh! I was supposed to be first! (Y/N) how dare you?!)" You only laughed at your (2/F/N). She suddenly jumped up from the ground and grabbed you by shoulders.

"Kuin pitkälle ootte edenny? (How far have you got?)" (2/F/N) asks.

"Etsä voi tollasta kysyy! (You can't ask that!)" She rolls her eyes.

"Mutta miks et saa mennä? (But why can't you go?)" (3/F/N) asked.

"Mun paita tulee läpinäkyväks. Ja mulla on valkoinen paita ja mustat liivit. Että tosi kiva. (My shirt becomes see-trough. And I'm wearing white shirt with black bra under it. So it's really fun.)" You said sarcastically.


"No sit mennään vuoristorataan. Jonnekkin missä tulee edes vähän viileä. (Well then we'll go to roller coaster. Somewhere where comes at least a bit cold.)" (F/N) says.

"Jäätelöbaari? (Ice cream bar?)" You suggested. Your other two friends snickered about this and (F/N) rolls her eyes.

"*As if.*" You went into few rides and then to restaurant. You listened their stories about beach, hot guys, festivals and more things they say you missed.

"Mut miten sun lukio? Alotit ennen kuin me ehdittiin päästä edes lomalle. (But what about your high school? You started before our summer break started.)" (F/N) asks.

"Ihan kivasti. Kokeiden pisteet on yli 90/100. (Really nice. Scores from exams are over 90/100.)" You told them.

"Tunnut viihtyvän siellä paremmin kuin täällä. (You seem to enjoy to be there more than here.)" (3/F/N) says and sights.

"Sori. Mut mitä voin sanoo, siellä tapahtuu paljon enemmän kaikkea. (Sorry. But what can I say, it happen a lot more in there.)" You continued to eat your precious food when someone walked to you four.

"Mites neidit? (What's up ladies?)"

"OMG. Ei saa säikytellä! (OMG. Stop scaring us!)" (2/F/N) screamed.

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