Chapter 1.

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"Amber! One Directi-"

"If I hear you say one more thing about that band I will seriously leave."  I told Karen as I logged out of Twitter. I pushed away my laptop, letting it hit the floor. It was about five years old anyways and according to everyone that has ever laid eyes on it, they are shocked that it still even works.

Karen is one of the only friends I have here since I moved. The first day I arrived at school, I can still remember the looks people would give me whenever I talked. To all the people back home that informed me that Americans loved british accents, they all lied to me. Maybe it was only where I happened to move though. With my luck, I wouldn't expect any less. Karen was one of the few people that actually took time to introduce herself to me the first day I arrived. She had told me if it wasn't for her love of British people, she probably would've ignored me like she usually does to other new kids.

"Why do you hate them so much?" I opened my eyes and spotted her staring at me confused. "You don't even know them Amber. I bet if you meet them you will fall in love with them." I sat up as I pulled my hair into a high ponytail as I let out a soft sigh. She stared at me for a few more seconds before she rolled her eyes and shut her laptop.

"I never said I hated them." I spoke up looking up at her. This conversation has came up many times before, and each time it will end in her ignoring me for a few hours. "I bet if I ever do get to meet them I will deeply love them and feel something for one of them." My heart dropped a little as I spoke those words knowing I honestly meant every word. Louis and I being bestfriends has been kept a secret ever since I have moved here. Not even Karen knows about it. All that they knew about me was the fact that I was from Doncaster, but whenever someone asked me if I ever met him, I would just shake my head. I knew if anyone found out about it, they would all surround me with questions about what he is really like, or if I could give him their numbers, or so many other questions about him I wouldn't know how to answer anymore.

I waited months to hear from him, I made a twitter shortly after I arrived here. I had hoped he would think about me one day and happen to search me up on here to see if I had kept that promise that I would eventually make one. I hoped he would have messaged me, telling me how much he misses me and he can't wait till he comes down to Orlando just so he could find me again. Of course, that never happened. I even tried calling his cellphone, but eachtime I did that I would only get his voicemail. I had left a few messages telling him I missed him and I hope he could call back, but I knew he was busy with the career he was acheiving and I was probably the last thing on his mind. I knew this would happen between us though. I mean, what friends actually stay friends when one moves across the country? Especially when one was famous. I move into the states when he was just on XFactor, but the way his group kept getting through every elimination and the amount of girls that kept showing up after each show just for an autograph, I knew this wouldn't work out. I had a feeling somewhere between the lines we would just forget about each other like when friends say they will keep in touch on the last day of school and they never do, so when school finally starts again they will see each other wonder what happened but neither one of them would actually get enough courage to actually talk to each other, so they would just ignore each other like they were never the best of friends just a couple of months ago.

Of course thinking of that broke my heart. I didn't expect it to start the day I moved. I thought it be a couple of weeks when I meet new people and just forget about him myself, even though I know it would be hard, because when One Direction becomes more famous in the U.S they will be everywhere and I would have to see him everywhere I went and I knew that would just break my heart.

"You sure act like you hate them." Karen said interrupting my thoughts. I rolled my eyes as I stood up from her bed.

"I'm so sorry to make you mad Karen, but maybe I'm just not as crazy about them as you are." I walked over to her mirror and looked at myself. What have I put myself into? I have to lie to all my friends that I don't like them so I wont have to hear Louis' name. If only they knew how much it hurt me to hear that name. Yet, I know if I told them that they would all ask why and I would have to tell my story about how we were bestfriends and he just completly ignored me when I moved away. I didn't want them to see me cry, especially when they will think I am a loser because Louis just started ignoring me for no reason. Or even worst, they will think I'm lying and make me show them proof. I already hid all of our pictures and little things we did together in a box in my attic.

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