Chapter 13

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That's an American!

That can only be one American!

"Alfred!!!" I yelled (probably breaking Ivan's ear drums) and stepped out from behind Ivan.

"Snow?!" Alfred said, and once he made sure it was me, ran over and almost ran me over. "Dude it's been so long~ what have ya been doing? Its been forever~!!!"

"I've been here, dude, parents made me move away. How's Alaska? Still cold I hope."

"Ya, still cool," he answered.

"One moment," I said to him and turned back to Ivan, "I called it!!!!!"

Ivan gave me his infamous creeper smile, "how do you know America?"

"Oh, we've be buds ever since the beginning of time," Alfred explained, "she the representation of Winter!"

Ivan turned to me, creeper smile still on his face, "your immortal?"

"Yeah, sorry for keeping it secret," i said. "But hey, you didn't tell me you were Russia so were even. You know now that I think about it, it makes sense. Also, that American sweater." (N/A not meant to be rude or nothin'. Just kind saying the relationship between the two. Sorry if you somehow take offense.)

"You still have that!" America cut in, "I gave to you when you were a toddler. You finally grew into it?"

I nodded and turned to Ivan.

"Da, I guess so," he said, "the hot chocolate makes sense but the hate of snow? What's that about?"

"It's just a pain in the but."


"We good?"


"Good," I said, hugging him and he hugged me back.

"Does anyone mind telling us what the bloody Hell is going on here?" some British person yelled.

The three knowing-what-the-Hell-was-going-on turned to the angry Brit.

"Oh," America said, "Iggy-"

"Don't bloody call me that."

"Guys, this is Snow. The representation of Winter."

"And my girlfriends," Ivan added. I turned to him and smiled.

Now the countries were beyond confused - even America who had somewhat of a clue what was going on.

"Woah! what happened?" Alfred asked.

"Met him. Hated him. Went out clubbing with him. Witness my hot chocolate withdrawals. He took me out. Been dating sine, that sums it up," I explained, "and he met my parents."

"Oh... How'd that go? If I dare ask..." Alfred calmed and went serious. Which I'm pretty sure the other countries were a bit surprised a out.

"Not very well. It was awkward, and my Mum and Dad said to break up with him. I said no of course."

"Good job, Dude," Alfred congratulated, "didn't like 'em that much anyway. How's the siblings?"

"Who know were Anna is, Xavier's in College and little Zoey is still with our parents."

"Anna just loves having fun," Alfred remarked.

"Anna?" Ivan questioned.

"Representation of Summer. She doesn't stay in one spot, nor does she come to any family stuff. She phones us once a month telling us she's Ok. Before you ask, Xavier's Autumn and Zoey's Spring."

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