It's been a really busy month.
On Mother's Day, the 4 of us went to the Mexs secret garden for Mama.
Man, I miss her.
Anyway, on the topic of politics.....
The meeting's been cancelled... I don't know how to react. Maybe cheeto was all talk and didn't actually want to go through with it.
The world may never know.
I've been debating whether or not to keep talking to North. We talked a little more since the last time.
But ever since the threat to end the meeting I stopped.
Why? Who knows, they could just be putting up an act now. But later.....
Ever since the meeting's been cancelled. He's been texting me to reschedule it or at least answer why.
Dang. He really wanted this.....
Maybe because he's been getting closer with his twin. Yeah, that makes sense.
I think he and Japan are woking on their relations.... Just a little. But hey, progress is progress...
I'm receiving so much hate for the Iran Deal decision. Are they forgetting it's not my choice!?!
I swear honestly...... we may be nations. But deep down, we have human emotions.
Everyone's been texting me nonstop. Are they still worried? I can hold my own.......
I tell them I'm fine but they just won't listen. They keep saying that we need to have a family meeting about me.
So I told them to leave me alone.
I'm fine.
FanfictionMany things fall. Such as heros. All heros eventually fall. Some because of a villian. But America? No, this hero was falling to something else. Something worst. Something more painful. He was falling to those he thought we're his friends and fami...