Christmas Blues

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It was nearly Christmas. Ella had been working with the team all week not to mention working her day job. She hadn't even begun to think about decorating.

Ella had moved out of Barry's apartment after he had healed and barely ever got to spend time with him. He and Patty were getting pretty serious. She was happy for him, but had to admit she was also sad. Ella had finally come up with enough money to buy her old apartment back. She was happy she had been able to get it.

Ella was in her dining room drinking her coffee when she got a call. "Hello?" "Hey, Ella! It's Clark!" Ella smiled hearing her friends voice. "Hey, Clark! How are you? I haven't talked to you in a while." "Yeah I know. I'm great! Me and Lois just got engaged actually, so I'm great." "Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you two!" She exclaimed. She heard him chuckle.

"Thanks. So uh, Lois and I are going to my mom's for Christmas and we were wondering if you and your boyfriend, Barry, would like to come down and join us?" Ella looked down. "Um Barry isn't my boyfriend anymore. We broke up remember?" "Oh no! I'm so sorry. I know you did. I just assumed when my mom told me how he came out to Smallville to get you, that you two had gotten back together. I'm sorry." Ella shook her head, even though she knew he wouldn't see her. "No it's fine. Really."

"Well, the invitations still open to you if you'd just like to come down." "We'll have Christmas dinner with my moms eggnog. Go caroling. I know it would definitely make my mom thrilled if you'd come. You know how much she loves you." Ella smiled. "I know." She sighed. "And it really does sound great, but it's my first Christmas back here and I don't know if I would want to leave my. . .family." Yes Ella thought of the team and the West's as family.

"I understand oaky well, if you change your mind just give me a call. I'll talk to you later." Clark said. "Alright I will. Tell Lois hi for me." "I will. Merry Christmas, Ella." "Merry Christmas, Clark." She smiled.

After she hung up the phone Ella heard a knock at her door. She answered it. "Hey Iris. Hey Barry. What's up?" Iris looked so upset. Ella looked at Barry. "Can we come in?" He asked. "Of course." The two walked in as Ella closed the door.

"So what's going on?" She asked. Iris sat down on the couch as Barry stood. "Uh, Iris told me about. . .Wally." Ella glanced at Iris who had her head in her hands. "I see." "Yeah, well she and I told Joe." Ella's eyes widened. "What?" "Yeah." "Well, what did he say?" She asked.

Barry began to open his mouth, but Iris interrupted him. "He was crushed. I've never seen him so heart broken before." She said, her voice cracking. Ella and Barry looked at each other. Ella sat down next to Iris and put her hand on top of hers. Iris looked up at Ella. Tears were running down her face. "I'm a terrible daughter. I kept him from knowing about his own son! He'll never forgive me."

"Iris that's not true. Joe will forgive you. Your his daughter and he loves you." Barry sat down next to Iris on her other side. "Ella's right, Iris. Joe loves you more than anything and that will never change. And your not a terrible daughter. You were just trying to protect him." Ella nodded, agreeing with Barry. "And Iris you weren't the one who kept Wally from Joe. Francine was. She's the one who left and never told you or Joe." Iris hung her head down. "He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve any of it." "It's gonna be okay." Barry said as he rubbed her back.

"I'm gonna go make some hot chocolate. Do you want any?" Ella asked thinking it would help cheer Iris up. Iris nodded. Ella looked at Barry who also gave a nod. "Okay. I'll be right back." She told them.

Ella went into the kitchen and began making the hot chocolate. A little bit later Barry came in. "How's she doing?" Ella asked. He shrugged with his hands in his pocket. "I don't know. She's. . .having a rough time right now." Ella nodded and looked back at the pot of hot chocolate.

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