Part 11 (Jess)

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(In other world)

Jess' arm was stinging really bad. He watched as Lukas carefully wrapped it after sanitizing it to take away infection. After pinning the bandage, Lukas looked up at Jess. "How does it feel?"

"Oh I feel great!" Jess said sarcastically. Lukas raised an eyebrow, "I know you're in pain, but I meant circulation-wise. Is it too tight?"

Jess looked down at the bandage, "No."

"A thank you to him would be nice." Petra kicked Jess' leg. Jess sighed, "Thanks Lukas."

"Your welcome."

And then silence. Bitter, long, awkward silence. It was because of all of the misunderstandings that had finally been fixed. Jess looked up at everyone. Axel and Olivia stood side-by-side staring at the ground and Lukas and Petra were now on the couch just.. chilling.

"You guys don't want to catch up or anything?" Jess asked. More silence. Finally Olivia spoke, "Last week Axel and I got engaged." but lacked some excitement. It was more of simply stating a fact. For the first time, Jess noticed a gold ring with a ruby and two smaller diamonds on either side. Axel chose well for her liking. 

A smile spread across Jess' face, "That's great you two! When is the wedding?"

"In two months. I'll get you an invitation later." Axel said. A smile slowly crept across his face and he wrapped an arm around his fiance, who returned the smile. I wonder if this is how it'll be in my world. Jess thought, I remember when we were kids Axel told me he had a huge crush on Olivia. But it seems like everyone else's relationships have been moving so much faster than Axel and Olivia. Here it's the opposite.

"Yeah, that's really exciting!" Petra joined in. Lukas nodded, "Am I your best-man?"

Axel laughed, "Sorry, Jess already got the job."

Jess smirked to tease Lukas, "Aww thanks Axel!" Then he thought for a moment. What if I am stuck here? I want to see the wedding, but I can see it with my real friends. A sudden feeling of homesickness overwhelmed him. I'd go crazy being stuck here. I want to go home.

"Jess, are you okay?"

He looked up to see everyone staring at him with concerned looks. His sister was at his side, Aiden not far behind. He blinked away tears that he just realized were there. "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just getting emotional imagining my best friends getting married!"

Jesse turned to Axel and Olivia, "You guys are getting married?"

They nodded. Jesse gasped and hugged them. The three of them started crying during the hug, for it was their first time hugging for years. Soon, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Jess finally felt like he was at home for the first time since being here. Everyone began to laugh and converse with one another. 


(Night-time) They all decided to sleepover at the treehouse. It was small, but cozy enough. 

"Just like the good old times." Jesse glanced around, "I don't remember much about this place, but it's home." She sat on the couch slowly while setting Rueben on her lap. Her eyes shimmered like emeralds. Aiden shyly sat beside her, viewing the place for the first time.

"It sure is." Axel smiled, "It's been so empty without you guys." Olivia nodded in agreement.

"Yeah." Jess thought back to how it was in his world. Did they share all of the same memories until the point of the wither-storm?

"Remember when I scared you guys with my awesome creeper costume on?" Axel asked. Olivia, Jesse, and Jess started laughing. Rueben oinked. Olivia elbowed him, "Yeah. You gave us all heart attacks!"

Jess decided to pitch in to test a second memory, "Or the time that Olivia was telling Jesse a funny story while she was drinking water and dark chocolate chips and water came out of her nose?" (Tbh, this actually happened to me a few days ago.. How? I have no idea, but it sucked lol. It was funny though.) The others laughed, "That was so funny!" Olivia laughed. Jesse rolled her eyes, "It was, but it was also painful."

They continued to share memories as Lukas, Petra, and Aiden heard them for the first time.

After a few hours, they decided to go to bed. Axel and Olivia shared Axel's room for the night and the twins stayed in Jesse's old room while Aiden and Lukas went to Jess' room and Petra to Olivia's.

Jess drifted off into sleep...

Jess was sitting in a dark forest. He was surrounded by trees looming above him, covering most of the night sky. He looked around, but he was alone. All he was was some dead leaves, sticks, bushes, dirt, and grass. He pulled a torch out of his inventory to see a little better, but what he saw didn't change much.

"Is anyone here?" He called out, but the only voice that returned a call was his own echo. Sighing, he began to wander around. He heard a growl.

Jess turned to see a fluffed up wolf with angry red eyes creeping towards him.' You need the last piece.' A voice echoed in his mind. Jess blinked. Who said that? He reached for his sword, but it was gone. Crap! He thought. The wolf lunged for him. Quickly, he grabbed a stick and smacked the wolf out of the way, the stick split in half. The wolf fell to the floor and panted. The red from it's eyes dripped like tears to the floor. Suddenly, it stood up and tilted it's head at Jess. He readied the remaining half of the stick again, but the wolf obviously meant no harm anymore. 'Find the last piece before the full moon.' The voice echoed again. "Is that you?" He asked the wolf. To his astonishment, it nodded. "What do you mean 'the last piece'? What'll happen if I don't?"

The wolf sat down and stared into his lost eyes, 'If you wish to return home, then find the last piece before the full moon.' Jess was starting to get aggravated, "What do you mean? Repeating the same thing a million times isn't going to help me!"

The wolf narrowed it's eyes at Jess. Vines popped out of the ground and attached themselves to Jess' limbs, creeping up his body. He screamed.

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