*I stood up from my chair and just walked out of there, never wanting to go back ever again as I ran into somebody and we both fell to the ground.*
'Oh my god I'm so sorry.' I shook my head as I stood up. 'No no, it's my fault so seriously, don't apologise.' I assured her with a smile on my face. I stood up and turned around to apologise for running into her, but when I did... my breathing stopped. My mouth fell open, literally and idk what happened exactly but everything around us stopped. Time stopped. She was so fucking beautiful I can't even explain it, those eyes and her hair. The living prove of perfect. 'I -uh' I wasn't able to get a word out of my mouth anymore and she looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo. She blushed and looked down when she finally noticed my staring and I was mentally punshing myself. 'You are really beautiful.' That made her smile. 'Uhm, sorry that I didn't watch where I was going.' I said as I cleared my throat, nevrously scratching the back of my neck. 'Same for me, I wasn't paying attention.' Her smile jesus christ. 'Do you have class or...?' She looked at me for a moment before answering. 'Eh yeah, but I'm already too late so it doesn't matter really.' Goddamn that outfit. She's killing me. 'Do you go here? I don't think I've seen you before.' I cleared my throat and finally was able to talk normally again. 'No, I'm home-schooled. I just had to help my sister with getting a schoolpass or something.' She nodded as she probably knew what I was talking about. Of course she did, she actually went to this school after all. 'Can I walk you to your class?' She just laughed at my question. 'What? Did I say something wrong?' I awkwardly asked and she luckily shook her head. I felt my shoulders lower as I let go of the tension I didn't even know I was holding. 'You know what? I don't really feel like going to school today.' I saw a smirk appearing on her face as she came closer to me and looked me right in my eyes. 'Wanna run?' She asked, but I couldn't even hear what she was saying anymore. I was paralysed by her beauty once again. As if she knew what I was thinking her smile suddenly grew and she looked at my lips seductively. Her lips were hovering over mine by now and I could have sworn that I felt her lips on mine already when she all of a sudden grabbed my hand. 'Come on, let's get out of here.' She said before pulling me with her towards the exit of the school building. Damn, this girl is amazing.
That's it! IM BACK. Hope you liked this story and please make sure to give it a vote and comment some requests if u have any. HER PERFORMANCE AT THE UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE OPENING CEREMONY TODAY OMG she killed it.