The Two Boys

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Warning!!! Sexual Abuse is mentioned in this chapter. 

"Let's go over here," Blaise said as he took Hermione's arm and gently pulled her away towards an open area. She shivered at the sudden touch. Blaise's hand was cold and firm which was very different from Hermione's warm skin temperature. Hermione subtly slide out of his grasp. 

"So," Hermione muttered as they reached the area. "What did you want to talk about?" Blaise turned to face her. 

"Well, for one," Blaise murmured, "I wanted to apologize for what I said to you a few months ago about Ron. I know this is very, very late," Blaise chuckled to himself. "A month late to be exact." Hermione laughed with him. "But I realized that what I said was horrible. I am truly sorry. I guess I just wasn't man enough to apologize before. Can you forgive me?" Hermione smiled. 

"Blaise, that is- that is very nice of you." Hermione was surprised. She would have never expected something like this. 

"What?" Blaise asked. "Was it something I said?" Blaise's features were arranged into a worried expression.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, confused. 

"You seemed surprised by something," Blaise stated. 

"Well," Hermione muttered while rubbing the back of her neck. "All of you Slytherins are so much nicer than I had previously thought. First Pansy, then Draco, and now you! Who's next? Theodore?" Blaise chuckled along with Hermione. Hermione took the time to realize how attractive the dark skinned boy actually was. His dark eyes complemented his hair and his skin tone perfectly. His cheekbones shaped his face to look conceited and even cocky, but something about that cockiness made Hermione even more intrigued. 

"Thank you so much for apologizing, Blaise. I really do appreciate it. Now, if that is all, I'd better get over to Draco. He doesn't look very happy," Hermione said. She laughed while pointing to Draco. Blaise narrowed his eyes. Hermione spun and started to walk towards Draco.

"Wait!" Blaise grabbed Hermione's arm. Hermione spun around and tried to wiggle out of his grip, but she only managed to gain a red mark on her arm. "I have one more question. Will you-"

Draco grabbed Blaise's hand and tore it off of Hermione's arm. 

"What are you two talking about?" Draco asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. Hermione saw a glint of something in Dracos eyes. 

"Actually," Blaise growled. "We were in the middle of a conversation." Blaise ripped Draco's hand off of his own arm. Draco smiled. 

"You were? From what I saw, Hermione here tried to leave, but you stopped her from doing so. Care to explain?" Hermione grabbed Draco's arm.

"Draco, he didn't do anything wrong. He just had to add something before I left, so he stopped me. I promise, I'm fine." Draco turned to look at her, but Hermione turned to look at Blaise. 

"Blaise, what were you going to ask me?" Blaise sneered. 

"Can he leave before I ask?" Hermione was about to answer, but she was cut off by Draco. 

"Anything you are going to ask her can be asked in front of me," Draco growled. Blaise stared Draco down. 

"Fine," Blaise muttered after a moment of silence. "Hermione, I was, uh, wondering-" he started, stumbling over his words. "Would you- would you care to- Would you like to-" 

"Would you- would you just spit it out already?" Draco mockingly shouted. 

"Would you attend the Winter Ball with me?" Blaise finally shouted. Hermione and Draco froze. 

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