Bradley: Blaze kick!
Dawn: Bradley... I'm not sure this is the right thing to do...
Monferno knocks the rock back at Onix with blaze kick
Roark: Onix, Dragonbreath.
The rock shatters as the Dragon breath knocks Monferno into the wall, paralyzing him.
Bradley: Oh... Crap. Monferno, use flamethrower!
Monferno is unable to attack because it's paralyzed. Onix then uses rock throw, dealing damage to Monferno, making it faint.
Bradley: Are you serious? Roark why are you strong now? The one time you're on the bad guy's team?
Roark: I fend for myself! I didn't need your help! So leave me alone!
Bradley: No... I can help you... Just let me!
Roark: This is none of your business, so butt out...
Bradley: Dawn let me borrow your Prinplup...
Dawn: Alright...
Bradley: Prinplup, let's go!
Roark: Onix, Dragon breath!
Bradley: Prinplup, knock it back with metal claw! Then bubble beam!
Prinplup knocks it back, paralyzing Onix, as it faints from bubblebeam.
Roark: Go Rampardos... Use head smash...
Bradley: Prinplup, Metal arm!
The two moves collide, Rampardos' powerful attack easily defeating Prinplup.
Bradley: Crap... Roark come on... You need to listen...
Roark: Even if I wanted your help now, I couldn't take it... Team galactic offered to help me get my gym back... It was the only option I had left to turn to... So unless you can magically defeat Jupiter and prove your strength, I won't help...
Bradley: Ugh... Monferno is fainted, but... I still have a few Pokemon left, so let's do this... Go Golbat!
Jupiter: Go Golbat!
Bradley: Hmph... Golbat, confuse ray!
Jupiter: Dodge and use bite!
Bradley: Don't move unless confuse ray hits, then dodge!
Bradley's Golbat hits with confuse ray then dodges the bite, making Jupiter's Golbat hit the wall.
Bradley: Now use wing attack!
Bradley's Golbat wins.
Jupiter: Huh... Interesting... Return Golbat. Go Bronzor!
Bradley: Golbat, confuse ray once more!
Jupiter: Confusion!
Bronzor gets confused right as it faints Golbat with a supereffectice confusion attack.
Bradley: Ugh... Go Heracross! Use Brick Break!
Jupiter: Bronzor, reflect!
Bronzor fails to fight through its confusion, so Heracross faints it with a powerful Brick Break.
Bradley: Any more weak Pokemon? Heheh.
Jupiter: My most powerful Pokemon is right here... Go Skuntank! Use flamethrower!
The Best Journey a Trainer Could Ask For
Fantasy(I wrote this story more than half a decade ago in 2018, The writing isn't anything special) This is a story about Bradley. He is going to start his Pokemon Journey through the Sinnoh region... His goal? To defeat the champion of course. Will he do...
Galactic Besiege
Start from the beginning