Bradley: Blaze kick!

Dawn: Bradley... I'm not sure this is the right thing to do...

Monferno knocks the rock back at Onix with blaze kick

Roark: Onix, Dragonbreath.

The rock shatters as the Dragon breath knocks Monferno into the wall, paralyzing him.

Bradley: Oh... Crap. Monferno, use flamethrower!

Monferno is unable to attack because it's paralyzed. Onix then uses rock throw, dealing damage to Monferno, making it faint.

Bradley: Are you serious? Roark why are you strong now? The one time you're on the bad guy's team?

Roark: I fend for myself! I didn't need your help! So leave me alone!

Bradley: No... I can help you... Just let me!

Roark: This is none of your business, so butt out...

Bradley: Dawn let me borrow your Prinplup...

Dawn: Alright...

Bradley: Prinplup, let's go!

Roark: Onix, Dragon breath!

Bradley: Prinplup, knock it back with metal claw! Then bubble beam!

Prinplup knocks it back, paralyzing Onix, as it faints from bubblebeam.

Roark: Go Rampardos... Use head smash...

Bradley: Prinplup, Metal arm!

The two moves collide, Rampardos' powerful attack easily defeating Prinplup.

Bradley: Crap... Roark come on... You need to listen...

Roark: Even if I wanted your help now, I couldn't take it... Team galactic offered to help me get my gym back... It was the only option I had left to turn to... So unless you can magically defeat Jupiter and prove your strength, I won't help...

Bradley: Ugh... Monferno is fainted, but... I still have a few Pokemon left, so let's do this... Go Golbat!

Jupiter: Go Golbat!

Bradley: Hmph... Golbat, confuse ray!

Jupiter: Dodge and use bite!

Bradley: Don't move unless confuse ray hits, then dodge!

Bradley's Golbat hits with confuse ray then dodges the bite, making Jupiter's Golbat hit the wall.

Bradley: Now use wing attack!

Bradley's Golbat wins.

Jupiter: Huh... Interesting... Return Golbat. Go Bronzor!

Bradley: Golbat, confuse ray once more!

Jupiter: Confusion!

Bronzor gets confused right as it faints Golbat with a supereffectice confusion attack.

Bradley: Ugh... Go Heracross! Use Brick Break!

Jupiter: Bronzor, reflect!

Bronzor fails to fight through its confusion, so Heracross faints it with a powerful Brick Break.

Bradley: Any more weak Pokemon? Heheh.

Jupiter: My most powerful Pokemon is right here... Go Skuntank! Use flamethrower!

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