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Ella, with all her might, threw up all her food again. She had been doing this for a month while Kedan was gone. Her routine nowadays consisted of eating, vomiting, feeling peckish, and looking like hell. A wave of nausea washed over her, and she thought aloud, "What is the matter? Probably the flu."

Ella had a strong dislike for the flu. The last time she was sick, it was a matter between life and death; the Zick V virus almost got her killed. She vowed to herself that it would never happen again. Ella ran to the bathroom, throwing up all that was left of God knows what. "Maybe it's the Chinese or seafood," she thought of everything she was allergic to and used it as a defense. "Maybe someone I hate so much did this to me." You're right, Ella, you hate him, but you like him. Whatever it is, it's so confusing.

Ring. Her phone rang. "Who the hell is this now?" she conflicted while picking it up.

"LITTLE SISTER!" her sister screamed into the phone.

"WHAT?" she screamed back to the receiver.

"Jesus, Ella, who twisted your panty?" her now curious sister asked.

"No one," she lied.

"Are you on your mens?" she asked. Ella totally forgot about menstruation, but why? Maybe stress affected it, you know, a whole lot of crying lately.

"No, Lil, talking about menstruation, it has been a month since, you know what," she stated truthfully.

"Did you guys have sex? Stupid question, right? Of course, you guys would, but still answer." You guys? Oh, Kedan and her.

"Lia—" she chanted.

"Answer, jeez," Tillia muttered infuriated.

"Yes," she answered shyly.

"Omg, I am going to be an aunt," she sang.

"Are you talking to me?" Ella asked cluelessly.


"Well, congratulations," Ella said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For being an aunt."

"And congratulations for being a mother," Tillia chuckled.

"What? How are you so sure?" she begged.

"Ok, I am coming over with two pregnancy tests to get it more accurate. Get ready; we are going to the doctor's office." She hung up without further instructions.

Two hours later

(At the doctor's office)

"Congratulations, you are going to be a mother." No, this can't be real, she mentally cursed. She felt numb all over. Tillia noticed it and escorted her to the jeep.

"What's the matter?" she questioned.

"Kedan," she muttered.

"What about him?"

"Don't tell him," Ella muttered, looking for gum to beat the nauseating feeling.

"Whatever, but let's celebrate," Tillia honked.

"No, take me home," she tossed at her.

"Ok, pregnant Ella, so boring," Tillia mocked, leaving Ella mentally muttering her motto: I HATE BIG SISTERS.

"Change of plans, let's go for something to eat," Ella suddenly murmured.

"Good choice," her sister chuckled, parking the car in the parking lot.

"So, tell me, Ella, is he good in bed?" Tillia wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yes, and forget about it. I don't want people passing by to hear about my sex life"

ELLA IN NAKEDWhere stories live. Discover now