Chapter 26

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My weeks were filled after that with sleepless nights and a crying baby. I had barely gotten any sleep after Madison was born. It's been non-stop Madison. I love my daughter to death, but now some old thoughts are starting to slip back into my mind. Not even her current three-year-old energy could keep me in a good mood.

See, back when I was thirteen, and I tried to commit suicide, I convinced myself that I was just being dramatic, they weren't real problems. But then, literally being bullied by all of Demi's fanbase wasn't necissarily a small thing. One day I just realized that I'd matured to the point where I just legit don't give a fuck what people think about me.

But now I was starting to think about how yeah, I do have real problems. And those real problems had somehow started to snake scary thoughts back into my mind. For the most part I just went to Niall or Brian or Madison to find a distraction.

I knew it got bad when my daughter, my boyfriend, my brother, music, writing, or anything that usually distracts me couldn't anymore. There was no escape, and this is the reality of it.

These thoughts stayed in my head for a while, but they started to take a toll on my physical being. Brian noticed first when I stopped talking and did more blank staring. Niall noticed after I'd started eating a lot less; it wasn't that I didn't want to or that I was starving myself, I was just straight up not hungry.

He'd tried his hardest to get it out of me. He'd taken great pride in being able to make me smile with a joke or just his general being. Alas, not even my brother, my best friend, my saving grace could save me now.

I don't necessarily want to die, but I never wanted to live either.

With a concerned look, Niall sat down next to me on the couch and Brian, who was holding Madison, stood across the room with an identical one.

"Adriana, we've been really concerned about you lately, and I think you need help," He stated and Brian nodded his head, agreeing.

"What? No I don't! I'm fine." I shot back.

He kept checking his phone. "I just want you to know that Brian loves you. Madison loves you. Mom and Dad love you. Taylor loves you. But most importantly, I love you. I love you so damn much you wouldn't even be able to wrap your head around it. I love you and I'm sorry."

I gave him a questioning look and almost on cue I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. That's when two men wearing white appeared and started walking towards me.

"What is this? What's going on?" I asked in a panic. I turned to Brian, "Babe, what's happening?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He said with tears in his eyes. "You need this."

I grabbed onto him, and Madison started to panic, too. The two men grabbed me, but I held tight to Brian as a tear fell from his eye.

"No! Brian don't let them take me!" I screamed

He just shook his head. One of the men picked me up, but I didn't let go. I reached for Madison.

"Baby, Mommy loves you so much," I said a little softer. The man tugged harder at me.

"Niall! Don't let them take me!" I screamed again.

"I'm sorry," He choked.

The man ripped me away from them, "No!" I screamed.

"Mommy!" Madison screamed, starting to cry. Brian held her tighter. I just kept screaming. They put me into a van and I was ripped away from my life for a while.

Most storied have a happy ending in which everything is resolved and leaves you with satisfaction.

But not mine.

Well, there's the ending.

Burn this godforsaken story.

Thanks for reading and supporting it tho, I can't imagine how 11 year old Cara would react to all this support!

Twitter: @cara_elizzabeth
Soundcloud: carabeth10

I love you all so much, and I'm sorry. Please feel free to bleach your eyes.

-Cara Elizabeth

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