4 ~ Breakfast

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A Slightly More Cheerful Nico's POV

"Time to wake up Sunshine!" someone cooed in my ear.

I dutifully ignored it. Why is someone waking me up?

The very insensitive person began shaking me back and forth.

"What?" I groaned.

"Nicooooo," he—I'm sure it's a boy now—whispered, "Nicooooo." Okay this is freaky.

"FIRE FIRE!! THERE'S A FIRE!! RUN! RUN FOR YOU LIVES! COME ON NEEKS!!" I ignored it. Just some lame attempt to wake me up. Then I smelled smoke.

I jumped out of bed, "What? Where?!" I looked around wildly.

"Well good morning sleepy head!" I saw Leo holding a ball of flames.

"Uggghh," I flopped back onto my bed. "I despise you."

"Don't make me have to kiss you!"

"NO!! Don't you dare," I jumped out of bed. "I am up I am up I am up."

"Whoa, I should use that threat more often!" Leo said cheerfully.

"What time is it?" I asked warily. I was cranky, tired, and done with Leo's schist.

Leo chirped around like a notification, "8:04, class in 56 minutes! 56 minutes for breakfast! Takes about 3 minutes to—"

"Okay okay whatever," I interrupted, sometimes he can be as annoying as Annabeth when it came to mathematics. "I'm coming."

The rest of the demigods were already eating.

Will waved at him with his fork, "Good morning boyfriend."

I blinked and rubbed my eyes, "What?"


I sighed. I was seriously way too tired if my ears were this inaccurate.

"Morning Cornflakes," Thalia greeted me. Ah, my ears were working again.

"Morning Barbie," I was really proud of myself for thinking of that awesomely insulting nickname.

She scowled at me. I grinned at her.

I ate this weird looking piece of meat. It tastes like chicken.

"Hey what does this say?" I asked Frank, the only one who wasn't dyslexic. I held out the schedule for him.

He looked at it with his Asian eyes, "Potions with Professor Snape and the Slytherins."

"Aw man," Percy said, "first class in Hogwarts, and it's with the meanest teacher here."

"He is?" the Stolls asked.

"Yeah, I've heard that he's very unfair," Percy said.

Then this dude named Neville explained timidly, "He favours the Slytherins. And Slytherins and Gryffindors have never gotten along. He rarely punishes students from his own house and is totally unfair to Gryffindors. And other houses too."

"Yeah," Seamus agreed, "he takes off points for stupid reasons. And if you make one little mistake on your potion, boom, you fail."

"Sounds like Mrs. Dodds," Percy muttered.

"Snape has never been nice in his whole life," Seamus told us.

"Interesting," Clarisse said, "cool guy."

Neville and Seamus edged away from her.

Then the doors opened. The "Golden" Trio stepped in. Oh please, Piper and Leo are the only ones here that were really golden.

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