10- holy shit, I smuggled

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Fully Edited July 22nd 2018


I smile at Zayn as he tells me a story about his first motorcycle and I take his offer for hanging out while he fixes his engine. Of course I wont listen to a word he says but the thought of watching him sweat while fixing a truck is enough for me to be there.

I take a sip of the minty vodka as a group of high teenagers walked in through the door to the patio.

"Zayn you missed out! It was sativa!" A guy exclaims before slapping Zayn's back earning a sullen look from him.

"Can't you see that I'm busy, Keaton?" Zayn asks as I finally take in how close we are. I lean back slowly not aware that I am inches from Zayn. The guy named Keaton rolls his glossy red eyes and walks away from us, leaving us in the crowded kitchen.

"Sorry about that. You don't smoke right?" He asks before taking another sip from his beer bottle.

"Oh, no. It's not my thing." I say as Zayn nods. I hate cigarettes but the scent of tobacco on him smells comforting.

"Malik. Stop flirting with your boyfriend and get upstairs. We're doing lines." Keaton says while pulling Zayn's arm, pulling him up from the stool and towards the staircase. I try not to think of the illegal activities going on upstairs as the stool next to mine becomes occupied.

"You shouldn't be hanging around with Zayn."  I hear a slow accent say next to me as I look up. Harry sits next to me with eyes just as red as the high teenagers that just dragged Zayn away.

"He's not the best guy." He claims before taking a sip from his beer bottle.
Who does Harry think he is? He can't push Zayn's name in the dirt while he isn't here to defend himself.

"As opposed to who? You?" I ask sarcastically before taking a sip of my vodka drink. This is stronger than I thought it would be, especially since it has me talking back to Harry like this.

"No, I'm just saying he isn't someone you should be hanging out with. You should be at home, studying. Actually you should be sleeping right now instead of hanging around with coke heads like Zayn. You don't belong here" He says making me furrow my eyebrows. How does he get a say on where I do or don't belong?

"Don't speak about him like that, Harry. You're just an asshole who doesn't want anyone to be happy, and if I'm at a party then it's none of your business. Leave me alone." I say truthfully before taking a sip of my vodka. Harry makes me need alcohol just to listen to him l.et alone talk to him. when I look back at harry his nostrils are flared and I'm not sure if I should be walking away.

"Get up, We're going." He demands, standing from the stool and waits for me to get up as well. I don't stand up with him but instead I watch him in silence.

"No, I'm waiting for Zayn. He's a decent human being unlike you." I say standing my ground before tuning back to my unwanted cup. Harry rolls his eyes and reaches out grabbing onto my arm.

"You're not going to be hanging out with him after he does that shit." He orders and pulls me from the stool. Surprisingly, nobody watches as Harry basically kidnaps me.

"Harry let me go! I want to stay!" I exclaim as Harry turns to me and I have half the mind that he's going to let me be but instead his hands hook around my hips and he throws me over his shoulder.

I want to kick and scream over his shoulder but instead I stay limp as he carries me out of the party. I don't want to be the cause of a scene and for some reason I feel as if its the right thing. As soon as we make it outside Harry sets me onto my feet and grabs my shoulders.

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