A mask?

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Before I say anything yes the casino is in a cave but it's not hell in my version. Hell is under the casino. This doesnt make sense now but as you read you'll understand. These should help if needed.


Both of them looked at y/n with pleading eyes.They didnt know because of their nervousness they had gone to their original forms...Y/n took a deep breath.


Everyone gasped.The Casino doors were broken down.

Cuphead: Stop right there!

Mugman:Everyone stay where you are at.

They had their finger guns ready to shoot.

Wheezy:Ey easy fellas-

Cuphead:Shut up!

Bettigan:Oi only I tell em that!

Cuphead:Shut it. We are here because-

King Dice:Of us!?

The devil cracked his knuckles. Both changed from human to normal. Dice's eyes flared with an emerald green glow and Devil's eyes burned with rage.


Cuphead:I thought we taught you a lesson!

Devil:Well I never learn.

Cuphead:Well we can always beat you.

King:Well then lets play shall we?

Devil:Your gonna have a bad time


It was a duel. Mugman and Cuphead vs Dice and Devil. Everyone stayed away from the brawl.

King Dice:Im not going down to the likes of you.

He tapped his foot.

King Dice:Because we are so much better.

A card formed in his hands. His eyes seemed to become darker green.

Devil:We are more powerful together.

King dice:So come at us you two brats

Devil:C'mom 2 on 2.How about me and you?

He pointed to Cuphead.

Cuphead:Mugs you get Dice I got Devil.

Mugman nodded.They shot their guns. Dice skilfully dodged it. He seemed to taunt them in doing so. His fight style seemed to have a dance like rhythm.Devil snapped his fingers the shots soon were frozen then backfired towards the cup brothers. They parried 2 of them the others dodged. The battle continued.


She/he tried to go in but the others held him/her back.

Y/n:We need to stop this. They'll get hurt.

Wheezy:Y/n just let them settle it. If we interfere one of us will get hurt.

Y/n:So we'll let them get hurt instead of us? We dont even know what they are fighting about.

Wheezy:Its because he's THE DEVIL!

Y/n:But they changed-

Wheezy:Those two brats dont know that they only know we are the bad guys. The ones who had people's souls!

Y/n:People can change. They just need to see that...


Y/n started walking. Phearlap,Hocus and everyone else stared. Wheezy tried to get y/n.

King Dice x reader x devilWhere stories live. Discover now