Before I say anything yes the casino is in a cave but it's not hell in my version. Hell is under the casino. This doesnt make sense now but as you read you'll understand. These should help if needed.
Y/n:I-IBoth of them looked at y/n with pleading eyes.They didnt know because of their nervousness they had gone to their original forms...Y/n took a deep breath.
Everyone gasped.The Casino doors were broken down.
Cuphead: Stop right there!
Mugman:Everyone stay where you are at.
They had their finger guns ready to shoot.
Wheezy:Ey easy fellas-
Cuphead:Shut up!
Bettigan:Oi only I tell em that!
Cuphead:Shut it. We are here because-
King Dice:Of us!?
The devil cracked his knuckles. Both changed from human to normal. Dice's eyes flared with an emerald green glow and Devil's eyes burned with rage.
Cuphead:I thought we taught you a lesson!
Devil:Well I never learn.
Cuphead:Well we can always beat you.
King:Well then lets play shall we?
Devil:Your gonna have a bad time
It was a duel. Mugman and Cuphead vs Dice and Devil. Everyone stayed away from the brawl.
King Dice:Im not going down to the likes of you.
He tapped his foot.
King Dice:Because we are so much better.
A card formed in his hands. His eyes seemed to become darker green.
Devil:We are more powerful together.
King dice:So come at us you two brats
Devil:C'mom 2 on 2.How about me and you?
He pointed to Cuphead.
Cuphead:Mugs you get Dice I got Devil.
Mugman nodded.They shot their guns. Dice skilfully dodged it. He seemed to taunt them in doing so. His fight style seemed to have a dance like rhythm.Devil snapped his fingers the shots soon were frozen then backfired towards the cup brothers. They parried 2 of them the others dodged. The battle continued.
She/he tried to go in but the others held him/her back.
Y/n:We need to stop this. They'll get hurt.
Wheezy:Y/n just let them settle it. If we interfere one of us will get hurt.
Y/n:So we'll let them get hurt instead of us? We dont even know what they are fighting about.
Wheezy:Its because he's THE DEVIL!
Y/n:But they changed-
Wheezy:Those two brats dont know that they only know we are the bad guys. The ones who had people's souls!
Y/n:People can change. They just need to see that...
Y/n started walking. Phearlap,Hocus and everyone else stared. Wheezy tried to get y/n.
King Dice x reader x devil
FanfictionSweat dripped from his head. Both men watched as y/n's dad rolled the dice. Devil:Ha snake eyes. Now to keep your end of the deal. Your soul Y/n's dad:Wait no I made a mistake please! Is there something else I can do? Devil:Nothing at about...