7th Year, Sort Of

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As the Wizarding World got worse, so did everyone's lives.
Mine included.
3 monthes ago my world flipped upside down with just one spell.
"Obliviate" I whispered letting tears roll down my cheek.
Hermione was right, no one is safe.
Not even muggles.
Especially not muggles with magic children and especially when their last name was Black.
I was truely alone now. No father, a mother who now doesn't even know she had a daughter, and no place to call home.
I was wanted in the Wizarding World for being a mudblood, a Potter follower, and a Black.
There is no choice but to run for as long as you have to.
That day I grabbed my small shoulder bag that Hermione used the undetectable extension charm on and took off out the back door and away from my old life.
And I have been running ever since.
Apperating from back alley to back alley, empty field to abandoned yard, I set up camp.
Ive become a survivor in the last three monthes but im not saying that's a good thing.
Ive stollen, tricked, tortured, and lied to get what I needed.
My face was plastered around Diagon Alley right next to Harry's.
They painted me out to be a monster.
I was starting to think I was.
I wasn't myself. Hell, I didn't even look like myself.
With  my face everywhere I turned, people were looking for me high and low.
Im forced to diguise myself everyday, thank Godric Transfiguration class came easy to me.

My tent was already set up for the night and I am beat.
I was tailed by two snatchers already this morning and I couldn't even find a good place to nick some bread from.
The days seemed like they never ended and the nights always ended too soon.
Letting the last of the embers of my fire die down, I looked up into the stary night sky and made a wish.
I was so desperate for a miracle, it wasn't even on a shooting star.
I closed my eyes tight and thought of the one thing that would ever make me happy again.
Feeling something brush my face, I popped up from my stump and positioned my wand at the ready.
Rule number one, never let your guard down.
"Hoot Hoot"
A rustle came from behind me as the small owl called out.
Turning toward the noise I saw the same owl that has been sending me letters of update for 4 weeks now. My heart lept.
At my feet was a small envelope with just a blue seal.
It had to be him.
Taking no time to rip it open, I clawed at the envelope and pulled the small card out.
                                PD Meeting. 12. Dark. Look out before you enter

To anyone other than myself, this letter was nothing but rubbish words.
But by now I understood what they ment and what they would mean for me and tonight was the night.
The night Mad Eye Moody has been filling me in on since the start of summer.
Midnight tonight, I was to go to Harry's home on Privet Drive and fight off any Death Eaters near by before joining the group for "The Flight of 8 Harry's"
Ive been prepairing for this ever since Dumbledore's death and I was ready.
Picking up all my loose items and rolling up the tent, I shoved everything back into my shoulder bag.
I performed my now flawless transformation charm for the 3rd time today and disguised myself for the task at hand.
I was to make the  long journey back to where it all started.

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