December 15, 2013

8 0 0

5:06 pm 

Sandra - Hey Emma, how ya feeling? 

Emma - Let's just say I would rather be with you guys. 

Sandra - Aww! I wanna be with you too! 

Emma - oh...ow! Ow! 

Sandra - Are you okay? 

Emma - ow, oh yeah. Just cramps. 

Sandra - Time of the month? 

Emma - No 

Sandra - Want me to take you to the doctor? 

Emma - No, I'll be alright 

Sandra - Are you sure? 

Emma - Yeah, I'm sure 

Sandra - Why don't we just go and see because you might have an infection or a virus from staying in that cabin. 

Emma - Ok, thanks!

7:36 pm 

Sandra - AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 

Amanda - What?? 

Sandra - Emma's PREGNANT!!! 

Amanda - WHAT??? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

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