14. Lance

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When Lance looked back up at the team, he froze at all the tears. "Oh." was all that he could say. When their feet started to move, Lance flinched at the sudden movement. They walked slowly towards him, and not ran at him like he thought they would. They walked cautiously.

 And when he finally got closer to him, they slowly rose their arms and wrapped him in a hug. After a minute or two, he felt Keith's arms secure themselves around his waist tightly. He smiled while in the hug puddle and placed his hands over Keith's.

The rest of the day was very gloomy. Lance was constantly being hounded. He felt as if his whole world was going into this crazy phenomenal, and everyone is panicking and fretting. But luckily for him, Keith was there too. 

He made sure to let everyone know when it became too much, or when they were going too far. Wherever Lance turned, the team was there. Hunk had already known, so he didn't make as big of a commotion, and gave him more space.

 Even Keith was in his personal space, but he was actually happy for that, because he didn't really want him far away anyways. He doesn't know exactly when it happened, but he had sometime fallen for the mullet-ed boy. 

He didn't really know how to explain it. It was just sort of there, in all of it's glory. It was also weird. Lance has never felt like this for a boy before. Like, sure, he can admit beauty when it is there. And yeah, Keith is beautiful. 

But he has always been a "ladies man". Always trying too hard in hopes to gain the attention of that one special girl. So now, suddenly falling for someone that was very much a boy? It was weird. But the weirdest thing about this for Lance was the fact that he wasn't going through a crisis or anything.

It just came suddenly and he doesn't even care. Because the way that Keith would tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear when he was nervous made him not care. The way that he had insecurities just like everyone else, but he never got jealous over things. If someone does this awesome thing, even if he thinks that he will never be able to do it, he doesn't waste too much time thinking like that. 

He congratulates them and is proud of them without the extra bitterness. The way he isn't afraid to be himself, even though he knows people may not like his personality. He knows that the right people will like him for being himself.

The way that he was just so human. It made Lance not care whether or not he was a boy or not, because it was Keith. Lance loved him. And that didn't freak him out as it should. They were all currently together in the living area, while Hunk grabbed snacks.

They had all agreed with a movie, and now it was more of Team Time. Everyone was sitting on the couch, while he and Keith were cuddling on the love seat. Keith was laying down in his back, and Lance was smushed into the back of the seat while the other half was thrown over Keith's body like a koala. Keith's left arm was snaked around Lance's body and running his fingers through his hair.

Hunk came back with three bowls of something akin to popcorn. He gave one to Lance and Keith and brought the other two where everyone else was. Shiro pressed play on the movie when Pidge suddenly shot up in shock and shrieked, "WAIT! Since when have you two been dating!?" She pointed accusingly at he and Keith.

Everyone looked suspiciously at the duo and they both both blushed at the sudden attention. Then they blushed even more in embarrassment. "Oh, well- we never actually made it uh official?" Lance rambled, looking towards Keith. "WHAT!?" Pidge yelled, flailing her arms about.

"Look at you two," gesturing between them, "you're practically married!" Everyone murmured their agreements and stared at them expectantly. "Well, um. Do you want to make it official? Be my boyfriend?" Keith asked nervously whilst looking at Lance. Lance lay there with his mouth slightly gaping open before vigorously nodding his head, stopping once he got a slight headache.

"Of course, you dummy." Lance smiled softly before pressing his lips to Keith's. It was soft and sweet, and they forgot about their audience before a series of "aww"s and "get a room" were yelled. Lance jerked back and hid his face into the crook of Keith's neck. Keith's right arm was brought up to cover his face with, and they were both burning bright red. But at the same time, they could not stop smiling.

This chapter is shorter than usual, but I needed to write this because if I didn't, it would have been another month or so before the next chapter.

This chapter is shorter than usual, but I needed to write this because if I didn't, it would have been another month or so before the next chapter

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lmao i wrote this on march 15th but forgot abt it since i usually dont update for a month or so.

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