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Pansycake🥞- ok so one of the hufflepuffs agreed so you can thank me later 💁🏻‍♀️

Drachoe- I'm not thanking you, Your the one who ate it in the first place!

Pansycake🥞- fine be that way ass

Drachoe- I will





Pansycake🥞- annoying

Drachoe- stupid

Pansycake🥞- fat

Drachoe- ugly

Pansycake🥞- bïtch

Drachoe- Asshole

Pansycake🥞- shit face

Drachoe- dick

Pansycake🥞- prat

Drachoe- git

Pansycake🥞-... what are we doing?

Drachoe- I... I don't know

Pansycake🥞- well nice talking to ya

Drachoe- yup don't forget to give me my cupcakes! Talk to ya later

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