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Almost every chapter has end with sleeping. Well this is a yoongi ff so that makes sense

P.s the photo is "unknown" from mystic messenger

P.p.s Enjoy!!


Your pov

I woke up to yelling from the main room

I walk out to see Jin arguing with yoongi and the boys watching

"BOYS!!"I yelled making the room go quiet

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Jin and yoongi looked at each other then back at me

"Yoongi is a dumbass because he went out drunk and harmed you" yoongi looked down and jin glared at yoongi while the other 5 boys in the room were standing there .namjoon was ready to step up

"Listen answer my questions
Yoongi were you aware of your actions " I asked

"No I was not but I apologised to you "

"That's is true . Second .Jin this is my problem to solve please don't get involved with yoongi doing something unless I ask you "

They all nodded


I walked into kitchen ,Jin following me

Jungkook pov

I can't believe that suga hyung went out and got drunk

How did he get home

Why did he act like that you

"YAH!!" I snapped out of my trance and looks up to see taehyung snapping his fingers at me

"What hyung?" I asked

"Nothing dinners ready" I nodded and head to the table

Wait how long was I spaced out

Your pov

Jungkook spaced out , namjoon is thinking to hard and Jin is being snappy with me like what the fuck I'm so pissed at every boy here

We were all sitting at the table and I stood up

"I swear to god if you boys don't get your heads out of your asses I will move in with got7" their eyes widened and looked at me

"SORRY!!" They all said at the same time

"That's what I thought"I said sitting back down and eating

Not even a minute later the maknaes start to kick each other from under the table causing me to glare at them making them stop

"I'm going to my room good bye" I scraped my plate and put it in the sink

I got to me my room and curled u on my bed with stomach pains starting to grow

"AGH!" I yelled causeimg the boys came running in and Jin walked over to me

"Is it that time" I held my hand in the air and went to the bathroom

I walked back out from he bathroom and looked at him nodding

"OK THEN THIS IS NOT A DEILL ,CODE P I REPEAT CODE P" I looked at Jin as he yelled that through the house

And Jin went out to buy me food and the things I would need for a period

"Isn't this going to be fun_"

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