sounds pretty to me

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millie: hello

finn: it's me

millie: oh gosh finn no

finn: ur so lame

millie: but yesterday i was cool? am i lame or cool finn?

finn: ur cute

millie: what? you don't even know what i look like?

millie: and don't u have a girlfriend?

finn: well i found out that she had been cheating on me for months with my friend

finn: so no i don't have a girlfriend

millie: oh im sorry

finn: don't be. she's a bitch

finn: i don't even know why i dated her. she didn't even have a personality so

millie: oh okay

millie: how long did u guys date?

finn: a year

millie: wow. how did u manage to be with a girl without a personality a year?

finn: i have absolutely no idea

finn: i guess that it was because of pressured. because she is pretty and she liked me for years and my friends told me i should date her

millie: so she liked u for years and then got you and after all that she cheats on you?

finn: yup

millie: bitch

finn: haha ikr

finn: how about you?

millie: what about me?

finn: do u have a boyfriend?

millie: no, boys don't like me

finn: why not?

millie: i don't know i guess im not pretty enough and not so fake they want me to be

finn: what an assholes! im sure ur pretty

millie: im not

finn: how could any girl even think that way? u girls are gorgeous and should never doubt that

millie: well some of us are not.

finn: what do you look like then?

millie: well i have brown hair and brown eyes and i have glasses

finn: sounds pretty to me

millie: oh fuck u finn u still don't know what i look like

finn: trust me i have never seen an ugly girl. u can't be the first one

millie: u really think that? you have never though that "oh my god that girl is so ugly"

finn: nope

finn: everyone has something beautiful in them. they don't always see that themselves, but trust me, there isn't a person who has nothing beautiful in them

millie: wow

millie: u sound like a damn good human being

finn: i know

millie: and there it goes

finn: haha. i think i should go to sleep now

millie: oh my god it's so late i didn't even notice. bye finn!

finn: bye

cool i made longer chapter. idk if i actually have anything else to say. okay i think it's time for me to leave now
- emilia

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