Forced Bonding

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 A skeleton filled with static was observing the code, watching his world interact with an outsider. That was, until he was interrupted by the demon running the place.

"I know the truth."

The glitched monster glared up at the sudden intruder but said nothing out of spite.

"I know how dead you are inside."

By now, the glitch turned away from his torturer and refused to talk to the one who put them here. As if it was his fault in the first place though.

"How worthless you feel."

The glitch tried to plug his non existent ears with his hands so he could ignore it but the voice just kept getting louder and louder.

"I know how you look into a mirror and hate what you see."

The destroyer growled and stood up in rage. He glared at the source of all of his current problems.

"Your not real."

He started to laugh maniacally.

"You are not real!"

The demon said nothing.

"All I gotta do is snap my fingers and you go bye bye."

The glitch snapped his fingers and the voice was no more. The monster sighed with relief and sat back down, resuming his observation of the new destroyer. The monster was surprised that such a peaceful, yet trouble making monster would be a destroyer. Why, out of all of the other monsters in that particular multiverse, why was he chosen to take lives? He had yet to receive or discover an answer.

"Static? Are you okay?"

Static looked up and watched his counterpart approach him carefully. He rolled his eyes and gave Sketch his trouble making grin.

"YeAh. I'm fiNe. wHaT are yOu doIng on mY sIde oF tHe VoID? Do yoU waNT to joIn me aNd waTch thE foREiGn DesTroYer intEraCT wiTh oUr olD frIeNds?"

Sketch looked at him with curiosity shining in his eyes.

"I got nothing better to do in this black abyss. So why not? Also do you know why he's here?"

"No. DO yOu know?"

"Yeah. I got a dream from Void and his origin story is pretty brutal."

"YoU caN telL me lATeR, aNd SkEtcH?


"I'm sorRY thAT i got bOth Of us trAPped iN herE."

"I know Static... I know."

The two sat next to each other and Static created a one way window with Sketch's help. They both fell silent.


Error gave his classic trouble maker grin to Bane, who looked really pissed off. Radix glared at Error. Radix narrowed his eyes.

"So, can you tell me were you three have been for the past three hours?"

"NowheRe imPoRtanT. We weRe juST taLkiNg in prIvacY."

None of them were buying it. Especially Paint.

"Right. So can you tell me why your glitching more than normal?"

Error froze and looked at Bane and Reverie for help. Reverie rolled his eyes.

"Me and Bane got scared by Error because we went to Bane's side in Dream!Tale but we also scared him back as payback. That's why we are all a little stressed and on edge right now."

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