The voice spoke louder this time, but there was clearly confusing in it, it sounded scared.
Kylo pushed himself up from the wall, widening his eyes as panic set in. He tried to find the connection to talk to that voice but found nothing.
Taking a few steps to the door he took one last deep breath, and then he ran.
Sprinting through the corridors of a hospital ship that was still inhabited drew a few looks, Kylo didn't care. He made it to your corridor, and then your door, and then your room, and then you.
You looked as you had done when Kylo had brought you into the hospital ship, pale and ashen like you had no blood left in your body.
The beautiful white clothing now red, crimson. The wound in your side was now stitched, covered in a dark bandaging. Surrounding you were various medical droids all moving over and around you.
Kylo roughly pushed them to the side and moved to you, grabbing one of your hands, ignoring the pain once again.
Your hand was warm, not cold like it had been when he had carried your damaged body through the doors, the rise and fall of your chest were mesmerizing to him as he felt the relief pour through him.
"Y/N, wake up." He whispered to you.
You feel the cold of the bench first, it's hard and uncomfortable against your back. Next the presence above you, it was holding your hand.
"I love you." The voice sounded choked, but still, it was undeniable.
It was Kylo.
You open your eyes slowly, squinting at the light above you and then focusing on Kylo as he moved his face above yours.
He blinks down at you and then lets a smile break over his face, his eyes fill with tears as he stares down at you. Yours do the same.
You attempt to reach up your hand to cup his cheek but the pain you are beginning to feel throbbing in your side grows in sudden intensity and you drop your hand again with a wince. Feeling the memories coming back.
"Kylo," You begin.
"Shh" He gently touches your lips with his fingers, you realise they are red and raw, but you can't focus on them.
"Kylo, it was Sn..."
"Y/N, why did you do this to yourself? How did... How did you... talk to me?" He interrupts you, moving his hand behind your head to rest on the back of your neck, his eyes focused on yours with an intense stare.
"Kylo, no." You attempt to sit up but find the pain too much and lie back again before you throw up.
"Kylo, Snoke was inside me. He knows." You get the words out and then take a deep breath, trying to stop your head spinning.
"What do you mean?" Kylo draws back, his eyebrows furrowed.
"He made me think things..." You trail off and look anywhere but Kylo, feeling embarrassment, even in a moment like this.
You don't remember if the words you heard as you woke up were dreamed or not.
"But he knows, he saw my thoughts, he knows we want to get out of this" you continue, trying to ignore your thoughts. He takes a step back.
"How much does he know?" He turns away and moves his hands to run them through his hair but stops suddenly. You look at his hands closely.
"Kylo, what..." You start but he whips back around towards you. Pulling his hands behind his back.
"He knows we will betray him?" You blink, Kylo looks at you with even more urgency. "Y/N, does he know?"
"Yes, yes. He must." You shake your head, regretting it instantly as it spins.
"He will be coming to find us. We are now traitors to the First Order." Kylo takes a few more stumbling steps backwards.
"He already tried to kill you..." He whispers his voice cracking.
"Kylo, it's fine. We have time, we just have to escape..."
"And go where?" Kylo's voice is desperate, he actually wants to know. His eyes are wild.
"The resistance."
"The resistance?" This stops him.
"Luke managed to stay hidden for this long. Without you, they will never find him. Why can't we go there?" You say, the words pouring out of your mouth.
"Y/N, how will they trust us? I have been trying to kill them for months." He says this, but you know his mind is spiralling, thinking reasoning. Hoping.
"We have to think of something. A sign of peace?" You try to think of something too, both of you stay in silence.
"Even as prisoners, we would be safe..." He mumbles.
"You can trade information..." You answer.
"A bargain?" He finally stops and stares at you.
"It's worth a shot." You whisper to him. And shut your eyes once again as you succumb to your spinning head.
You notice just as you are in that stage of almost unconscious but still forming thoughts, that you never figured out if what Kylo had said had been a dream or not. You didn't ever find out if he meant it if he would ever say that to you when you were fully awake.
Stop, that was Snoke. He put those thoughts into my mind. You think to yourself.
But did he?
Your thoughts reply.

All of the Stars
FanfictionKylo Ren was a monster. A murderer, a beast... This you were sure of. In a life where you had woken up on the cold floor of a First Order ship with no memory apart from your name... Being sure of something was rare. You were thrust into work for th...
Part 12: Revive
Start from the beginning