Fandom: DC: Teen Titans, Young Justice
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Friendship, Hurt-Comfort, Psychological, Superhero, Suspense
Ships: Robin is dating Starfire so it is likely to have mentions.
Headcanon: The Teen Titans came before. Robin never wanted to be leader despite arguing otherwise in the original. Zatanna knew the Flying Graysons before falling. A lot of stuff which really can't be listed on my headcanon sheet.Robin is struggling with everything - on the mental aspect that is, but attempting to make everyone think he's okay. In particular, he doesn't want to be leader again because he felt he failed the Titans, as the Trigon episode led to not only the team breaking up, but Cyborg ending up in a comma.
Yet the team needs a leader, but Robin isn't sure who. After all, he is the team member with the most experience. Raven's mentor - or who he's guessing will be her mentor shows up, cheering him slightly, until certain things don't go the way expected. Particularly since Aqualad and Red Arrow are at odds with each other because of Roy's stubborn streak.
Specifically, Roy's decisions lead to problems for Robin during the mission Raven's to be mentor ends up sending them on.

Book of Works
FanfictionI'm attempting to make it easier for people to find my fanfics, so I am creating a book which sorts my stories via fandom, but also all of my contest entries. This will hopefully help me in figuring out which ones I've already posted here, and those...