EPILOGUE: 1-1/2 Years Later

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         It's been almost two years since I lost Danny.

         As sad as that was and always will be, I guess something good did come out of it. I met Castle.

        After the hospital released me and I was able to go home, Castle changed, for the better.

        He is the President of the club still but, he has made a few changes. He no longer deals out guns and all that.

         Several months after I got better and was more mobile, I had found myself walking down the aisle. I never thought I would ever get married, let alone to someone like Castle.

          However, Castle also, isn't like all the others. In a way, he was almost forced into this lifestyle.

          Raquel and Darryl tied the knot a couple of months before Castle and I did and now, Castle and I are the proud parents of a healthy four month old, Danny.

          Some might call it luck, some might even say that Castle and I wont last. That relationships like this never last. But I don't care. All I know is that we are in love and I still get butterflies whenever I see him.

           He has also been so helpful with Danny. Castle has been getting up some of the nights and letting me sleep. He helps do everything with Danny. He's not just been a great husband, but a great father.

          Our lives and relationship is not perfect. Nobody's is. However, it isn't toxic and we rarely argue. Every morning when I wake up, I smile cause I know I am the luckiest woman alive to have someone like Castle with me. I guess you could say, we're soulmates.


         Never in a million years could I have ever imagined that I would someday become a father and a husband.

         Elle is so amazing and makes me so happy. Happier than I have ever been.

         I definitely have had to change things for the way our club does business. And Elle never asked me to do it. It was all my idea.

         At first, some of the guys left, upset and of course bitched to me about how I was a disgrace to the club. Though I didn't care. I didn't need people like that around here. Besides, they know still not to fuck with me and that I still wouldn't hesitate to do whatever I needed to in order to protect my club and my family. The loyal ones stayed and that out numbered those that left by a lot. So really, I wasn't concerned.

         Sure as a husband and father and the President of my club, there is always a concern for their safety and that I am responsible for them all. But I also know, that we are one huge ass family who have each other's back's.

           Right now, I wake up and the first thing I see in the morning is the same beautiful face I see before I fall asleep every night.

           Elle and our son are the best things that ever happened to me. Sometimes I still have to remind myself that I do deserve this life. That I deserve her as my wife and our son. And everyday she assures me that I do.

          There's a part of me that wishes I had my own business and a job that was safer. But I don't and she still has stayed. I never used to believe in the words soulmate and forever, not even I love you. But with her and Danny, they have both made me a believer of all those.

           No one ever knows what the world will bring for us or what the future holds for us all. But I know that as long as I got my girl, my son and my family, there is nothing to worry about. So I'm just gonna enjoy life and take it day by day.

                             THE END!!

Sorry that it's another short chapter/Epilogue. But I hope you liked it and don't worry, look out tomorrow for my newest MC story called, 'The Debt'

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