Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: Angst, Family, Friendship, Horror, Hurt-Comfort, Military, Occupational, Psychological, Slice-of-Life, Space Opera
Ships: Keith/Allura
Headcanons: Keith's Altean not Galra, Keith and Ryo are cousins (though I may change to them being siblings without realizing it, or do some side one-shots where they are twins), Keith and Shiro are blood siblings, Keith is autistic
Warnings: Story contains self-harm, but also hints at possible non-consensual relationsShiro is hurt by Haggar, but Keith found himself leaving him behind. In the process, they find themselves in an alternate reality and Keith find his world crashing as he ended up in what to him amounts to a nightmare.

Book of Works
FanfictionI'm attempting to make it easier for people to find my fanfics, so I am creating a book which sorts my stories via fandom, but also all of my contest entries. This will hopefully help me in figuring out which ones I've already posted here, and those...