Chapter 28

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Don't play song yet!
Y/n Pov:

"Mijas Get Up.... TODAYS A SCHOOL DAY!" Your mom yelled and you got up and raced to the bathroom to get showered and changed. You put your hair in a French braid and put on some makeup and your uniform then ran downstairs to eat.
"Chill chica."
"I Can't!"
"There is auditions for the play heathers!!!"
"I want to try out!"
"Don't worry chica you'll be fine."
"They say that and then I get the part of the mom...."
"And what's so bad about that?!"
"Oh, nothing.. it's just it too big of a part I can't handle it!."
"Nice save..." ma said as she walked to the kitchen and Aph finally came downstairs to eat and then we drove to school.

~Time skip to auditions after school~

I went to the theater where 2 lady's and one man sat at a table facing the stage.
"Please state your name, parts your interested in, and song you are going to sing for the audition."
"Hello! My name is (Y/n) Phoenix. The roles I'm interested in are, the Ensemble, Heather Chandler, and Veronica Sawyer. And I will be singing Fight For Me."

Holy shit...

Why when you see boys fight
Does it look so horrible
Yet... feel so right?
I shouldn't watch this crap
That's not who I am
But with this kid...

Hey, mister no-name kid
So who might you be?
And could you fight for me
Hey, could you face the crowd
Could you be seen with me and still act proud
Hey, could you hold my hand
And could you carry me through no man's land
It's fine if you don't agree
But I would fight for you
If you would fight for me

Let them drive us underground
I don't care how far
You can set my broken bones and I know CPR

Well, whoa, you can punch real good
You've lasted longer than I thought you would
So hey, mister no-name kid
If some night you're free
Wanna fight for me?
If you're still alive
I would fight for you
If you would fight for me

Holy shit...

After I was done I waited in the hall with the rest of the people waiting for the judges to announce when the callbacks are and when will they be sending us the information about who is going to the callbacks. After waiting 30 minuets we were all called back to go to go to the theater and we waited up on stage.

"As you all may know, only a select few can be in the play. You all were good, but some were better. Those people will be receiving an email today at around 8:30. They will get the information of when the callbacks will be. That is all you are dismissed." A woman said and then we all left the stage and I waited outside for my mom to pick me up.

"Hi Laurence, What's up."
"The sky?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes and he chuckled. "I'm fine you?"
"Good just hoping I get a part. How about you did you try out for anyone?"
"Actually I'm going to try out for JD, Ram, or Kurt."
"Cool I'll wish you luck!" He smiled at this.
"So what ya think of the concert."
"It was amazing I never knew that you guys would actually have a band!"
"Yeah! And you, are you planning to join a band you have an amazing voice I wouldn't want to put that talent to waist." I blushed at his remark.
"Um.. maybe? I don't know Katlyn did bring it up once or twice. I'll need to ask them."
"We have a good director, here let me get you his card, Lance Zaninburg."
"Hmm.. Thanks!"
"No problem, I got to run! See ya later Sweetheart." He winked and started walking to the black box, theater room.

When he said the last word my face glowed bright red like a tomato good thing he didn't see it though. Then I saw my moms car pull up and I got in and Hunter was in the car hence I sat in the back with him.  He had his head out of the window letting in the cool breeze.
"How was school and the tryouts?"
"It was good ma."
"I was talking out hunter and he ran back to the car and just waited there so I thought it would be nice to bring him."
"Thanks ma! He's so fluffy!"
"Yes but he does shed a lot.."
"True but hes 70 pounds and probably 20 of them is just fluff."
"That's true. Also we are going to Zianna's house for a party, Maria, Hyria, Eric, Terry, and Haden will also be there, with all their children. So, I need you and Aph to start getting ready."
"Ok what type of party?"
"I think it's a bit fancy but bring some swimsuits just in case, cause I know Garte likes barbecues."
"Ok!" I said as the car pulled up to our driveway and I took hunter on a small walk before heading inside and walking to Aphmau's room.
"Oi, Aph! Get off of the computer we have a party to go to!"
"Just a second!"

I then ran to my private shower and got ready something told me this will be a long night.

My Broken Heart (Laurence X  Reader) Book 1: Broken Hearts.   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now