Chapter 16

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Draco and Harry landed on the lawn at Malfoy Manor to chaos....ok maybe it wasn't that bad.

"Oh my god are you two alright? I was so worried and when I heard what was going on-"

"Umm mom what is going on?" Draco asked his freaked out mother. Mrs. Malfoy stopped her rant and looked at the two as if they were going crazy.

When she looked at Harry she did a double take.

"Oh my sweetie you look amazing. NO. Stop getting off track." She took a deep breathe "Come on inside and we will explain."

The four of them (Including Lucius if you forgot) made their way inside the Manor. "Mother can you please tell us what is happening?"

If Harry didn't know any better he would think that Draco sounded nervous. Harry could feel Draco tense beside him.

"There have been some allegations against harry and the ministry is searching for him. They plan of putting him in Azkaban."

Harry gasped while Draco just growled. "What sort of allegations?" Harry asked.

"It is Ginny she claims that you guys have been secretly dating and you have gotten her pregnant."

Draco's eyes bled silver while Harry gust stood next to him shocked. "But why would I go to Azkaban for that?" Narcissa sighed

"Hermione has come forward saying you sexually assaulted her. According to her she went to talk with you civilly, but you got mad and started beating her. You know how the rest ends." "BUT I WOULD NEVER DO THAT WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT. I HAVE A MATE AND-"

"But they don't know that sweetie. To them this is the perfect opportunity to get you under their grasp. After you spent a while in Azkaban they could easily manipulate you after all the torture you endured."

Harry looked towards Draco who was growling lowley. Harry hugged Draco around his waist trying to calm him, but it wasn't seeming to anything.

"Draco please calm down" But that wasn't doing anything. "Draco" His father said in a demanding voice. "Calm yourself or leave you are not helping."

Draco gave a warning growl to his father, but did as he said and calmed down. Slightly. "What do we do now?" Harry asked "for now you will be staying here and not be returning to Hogwarts.

I know it might seem bad to them, but once you are in their sights you will not be given a trial and will be sent straight to prison.

Also the dark lord has been informed and he will be watching for anything as well as all the death eaters." Harry nodded

"Thank you for everything" Lucius nodded "and since you will not be attending Hogwarts we will have private tutors teach you for now."

Harry smiled thank you again" With those last words both Harry and Draco made their way to their room.

Draco stood over Harry a brush in his hand. Trying to help his mate brush his new hair was becoming a thing for them.

Ever since Harry first woke draco had been there to help him with everything he needed.

They had talked long into the morning about what being mates really entalled now that Harry had fully transformed.

"What if they come for me Draco?" Harry had asked. Draco had just kissed Harry and reassured him that he would protect him.

"You can't protect me from everything."

....Next day....

It was early and Harry was in the kitchen making breakfast. The pancakes were about done when an owl arrived.

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